Sunday, 17 July 2016

A Smallholding Gurning Machine Perhaps? Farm Curiosity Corner Part 2.

We came across this amazing piece of  farm apparatus the other week.  It was lying around a farm yard with a myriad of other farming equipment.

It's obviously got two uses.  

Our old mate Plato once wrote:  "..Let us begin and create in idea a State; and yet a true creator is necessity, which is the mother of our invention.  

The Republic, Book 11, 369C  Plato.

Any way we brought it home and we will give it a new life on our smallholding in Ireland.  Do you know what it's two uses are?  


  1. It looks like a crush to me, maybe for holding calves in whilst de-horning? Oh, looking more closely that thing on the top looks like a vice so I guess it isn't a crush. Maybe it was just a workbench and some of it is missing, like a Workmate!

  2. I think your smallholders workmate is on the money Rachel. It's an homemade dehorning/ear tagging crate for calves, may be even sheep and the vice for doing repair jobs on the farm. I think it's rather ingenious and I was very impressed with the farm creator's nous. Thanks!

    1. Ah so I was right about the de-horning, I just failed to make some connections! We used to have a small crush for holding the calves like this but I don't remember any contraptions on it like this!

    2. I also thought of a crush but for castration.

    3. Yes you could use it for that Sol. It's got many uses for handling farm animals. Thanks!

  3. It's part of a torture chamber.

    1. It's one way of describing it Gwil. Debudding horns, ear tagging, dosing, testing for TB... They are all jobs that need to be done on a farm. Thanks!


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...