Wednesday, 17 April 2019


I chanced among these Bluebells growing under trees on some land the other day.  They are magnificent specimens and the leaves from the old trees seems to be feeding them and giving them some love leaf mould compost.

Here's a poem by Anne Bronte:  

She was only 29 when she died.  My mother would take us every year to visit Anne's grave when we stayed in Scarborough on our holidays. I often think what beautiful people they must have been to write such beautiful poetry.



  1. Such a treasure. I hope you visit, year after year after year.

  2. I haven't been to Scarborough for at least twenty years or so Joanne. We use to visit Haworth too. The Brontes were one amazing family. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Marvellous sight. And they are native bluebells, not the Spanish interlopers.

    1. Yes Philip. A marvellous sight. I have read about the Spanish interlopers. English bluebells (there real name) are protected in the UK and Ireland. Its against the lwaw to pick them or dig them up for your garden. Thanks Philip.

  4. Nice poem Dave, I have never heard it before. I am not keen on bluebells myself and they are not so prolific around here as other parts of the country. I agree about the Brontes and writing such beuatiful poems and prose and coming from such a rural and unworldly background.

  5. Thanks Rachel. A wonderful Anglo Irish literary family contributed so much beauty and prose to English literature. Thanks.

  6. Bluebells are spectacular en masse, aren't they?

    My father's family came from Haworth and nearby Denholme. They lived there for hundreds of years. Most were baptised in St Michael's church at the top of the cobbled street in Haworth.

    They were a talented family. How awful it must have been for the rev Patrick Bronte. He outlived his wife and all his many children.

    1. Hi Christina. Yes they are spectacular en masse.

      Yes Haworth is a wonderful place. The Railway Children and Rita, Sue and Bob Too all used it for film locations. One of my happiest days was going round the parsonage with my mother and my wife and then having our dinner andca pint in the Black Bull. Branwell's old local.

      Yes Mr Bronte or Bunty must have had his cross to bear burying his wife and then his children one by one. Their lives seem more tragic than somecof the characters in their novels. Its great that your family came from Haworth. I bet they had some Bronte stories? Thanks!

  7. I planted 20 bulbs that my aunt gave me in the garden and about three plants came up but they weren't really blue, more a dull unhappy gray. Now they are all gone. They don't like to be away from their natural environment. In Wales I saw a whole hillside covered with them and a farmer complaining. I've got millions he said. You can take the lot!

  8. Thanks Gwil. You can buy the garden varieties. I would love to have seen the Welsh hillside covered in bluebells. Don't suppose a farmer would have much use for them. Thanks Gwil!

  9. Lovely poem, Dave. About bluebells, I have a vast amount this year and all under the oak tree. I almost picked some for indoors (the scent is wonderful indoors) but decided they were better in their own beds.

    1. Hi Valerie. You should post a picture of them on your blog. They are resplendent this year. Thanks

  10. Bluebells! Beautiful little plants, and significant to certain memories I have of walking through muddy woods during Spring time in the UK, and seeing the blue flowers peeping up through the leaf litter. Magic!

  11. Wonderful Bluebell memories Vera. They have a lovely scent too. Thanks for your Bluebell memory.

  12. Thank you for sharing such a lovely poem.

  13. Pleased you liked it Liberty Belle. Thanks!

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