Monday, 11 November 2019

Martinmass And Armistice Day.

It's the feast day of Martinmass today.  Also Armistice Day when the Great War ended.

Martinmass was the Funeral day of Saint Martin of Tours.  He is the patron saint of beggars,  drunkards and the poor.  Martinmass was also the end of the gathering in of the harvest.  It was a time for feasting and celebrating during the Middle Ages to celebrate Autumn and preparing for Winter.   Martinmass beef was made from cattle fattened  and salted for this time.

Goose was traditionally ate on this day and it was also the time of the hiring  fairs for farm labourers.  Nottingham Martinmass fair used to be held for eight days.

An old Martinmass  saying:

"Ice  before Martinmass,

Enough to bear a duck.

The rest of winter, Is sure to be but muck."


  1. We have no ice , but it was very cold first thing. Just 2 degrees. Now it's about 5. Today we put the winter tyres on the Kangoo. Never had to jump start it yet. Touch wood.

    1. We shouldn't joke. Horrendous fires are raging down under near Sydney.

    2. It's cold here today Gwil. Just been splitting logs to fit inside the range. The bay looks rough and the sky is silvery.

    3. I saw the Sydney fires on Sky News. It must be very frightening. Thanks.

  2. I saw the fires on the news last night. One man said that the possessions didn't matter, the house gone and all his belongings, didn't matter. He said he could begin again. I admire that spirit. Thanks for the post Dave, interesting.

  3. Thanks Rachel. Saint Martin of Tours gave away half of his cloak to a poor person. Suppose if we were escaping a fire we would hope to decide what to take with us? But then like the man said on the news, we can start again.

  4. So interesting to read about other people's saints for once, and Martinmas. Thanks

  5. Hi Linda. The Anglican, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches all remember Saint Martin of Tours on the eleventh of November. Thanks.

  6. So many sacrifices made, every day.

  7. So very true Joanne. Especially the sacrifices mother's make. Their love is unconditional.

  8. I think the cold weather is responsible for my being unable to leave comments on blogs but all seems well again now. I spent my computing time watching services dedicated to the war dead and, yes, I did have a weep whilst watching. We have so much to be grateful for.

  9. I am glad you are up to spending some time on your computer Valerie. We watched the Gary Lineker programme last night about his grandfather's role in world war two. Like you say so much to be grateful for. Thanks!


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