Sunday, 21 November 2021

A New Kitten Called Little Miss Missy.


I mentioned on my previous post we had  a new feline addition to the family the other day.  There are lots of adorable kittens needing new homes at the moment.

Regular readers know we already have Domino who is a brilliant mouser and you need a good cat living in the countryside next to the sea.  

Debby from Lifes Funny Like That blog said she would like to see a photo of our new addition.  Little Miss Missy is quite a character.

Many moons ago, probably late eighties early nineties I went to Manchester Apollo and I saw the great axe man/ guitarist Ted Nugent.  What a musician!

Here's one of Ted's hits and I dedicate it to Little Miss Missy:


  1. It is a good name JayCee and she's been microchipped that name.

  2. Cats paws are lovely. Especially little white ones. Ours lets you tickle and feel hers for a short time.

    1. They are characters I 5heir own right Tasker. Thanks.

  3. Ted Nugent reminds me of Rory Gallagher and Taste. Great memories. I am glad you've got a new kitten. How is Domino getting along with her?

    1. I saw Band of Friends Rory's former band mates in Canterbury in 2019 Rachel. I wrote a post about our visit to Rory's grave in Cork last year. Glad you like the music.

  4. Great name, gorgeous little kitten. I always have a chuckle when I hear that song. We'd taken our 3 teenagers camping in the early 2000's and as everyone was settling down for the night, middle son started singing cat scratch fever, omitting fever for "bum hole". Sounds travel on a camp site and the whole campsite roared with laughter!!

    1. Great camping memories Mrs LH. We once stayed at a campsite next to a English Middleclass family who were preparing a meal and a posh teenage girl who talked like the queen piped up: "Mummy where is the table cloth?" All we had was a bag of crisps and some bottles of beer!

  5. Remember Emily Nugent from "Coronation Street"? Was Ted her son?

    Hello Little Missy! Do not scratch Daddy's hand. Never bite the hand that feeds you.

    1. He could be because he was in Manchester when I saw him play live YP.

  6. She is adorable, but then I've never come across an un-cute kitten!

  7. Pretty kitty. Nice pair of white sneakers.

  8. I thought you would like her Tigger.

  9. Do you color coordinate your cats intentionally? How has domino taken to the new addition?

  10. No Debby. The cats colour coordinate themselves. He isnt very impressed and sees them to be another interloper.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...