Saturday, 4 December 2021

Steamed Up Reading Glasses When I Wear A Mask.

No I have not been reading "Big Girls Weekly" or looking at  the women's lingerie in Littlewoods catalogue again:

"Stick em up!"

People of a certain age like myself have to use reading glasses from Lidl to read.  This is ok until I have to wear my mask.  My glasses steam up like the upstairs  deck of a Selnec (South East Lancs and North East Cheshire) bus full of smokers or a chip shop on a Friday night.  

I find it very annoying and I have to get my handkerchief out of my pocket every few minutes.  So I thought I would see if there is any way I can solve my steamed up glasses problem.  I Googled steamed up reading glasses and it said you should pull up  your mask just under your glasses and they shouldn't steam up.  So I gave it a whirl and it's much better.

I also read that you can get anti fog glasses.

Do you have problems reading when you wear a covid mask?


  1. I have some reading glasses but I have only worn them three or four times to read tiny written instructions so steaming up is not a problem for me. However, I think that JayCee will get steamed up when she sees your sexy picture! Are you Brad Pitt in disguise?

    1. I'm like a modern day Dick Turpin, YP. The masks infuriate me steaming up when I'm reading and other people can look at their phones and they don't need reading glasses. I reckon Jennifer Aniston would like our northern charm.😊 I've got a face for radio.

    2. I will arm wrestle you for Jennifer. Our wives won't mind.

    3. Why not YP. I watched Jennifer Lopez in Hustlers on Netflix the other night. That did steam up my television viewing glasses. What a woman!

  2. Now there's a memory, upstairs on the buses full of smoke.
    Way back in the early 60's I used the bus every day to go to work. If it was raining the downstairs was like a foggy fen and smelt awful with all the wool coats (not much synthetic clothing then) but if you went upstairs you needed a gas mask, lol
    Remember how you used to be able to jump on or off while the bus was moving by grabbing the handrail, weren't we care free then?
    What's happened to this world?

  3. I get a steamed up mask when I wear glasses. I'm still trying to find an anti-fog mask.

  4. Hi Briony. Yes I remember buses like you describe with chatty conductors and a driver. Remember On The Buses? I miss public transport so much. Cars are a necessary evil in the countryside I suppose but I prefer buses and talking to people.

  5. Good one Tasker. When you would be allowed into a bank or post office wearing a mask? But you can go in a pub or restaurant to drink and eat and you are allowed to take off your mask? If you want to go to the toilet you have to put your mask on? We live in crazy times.

  6. I don't get steamed up but when I am shopping and look down to read labels etc my mask always seems to poke me in the eye.
    Nice photo!

  7. They are awful things JayCee. Will there ever be a time when we no longer need to wear them and not be told to have a booster jab every nine months when half the world haven't even had one vaccine? The poor countries don't seem to matter to the rich countries in the west.

  8. I don't have this trouble because I don't wear glasses Dave. I hope that we can go back to one day not wearing masks if we don't want to. I think some people will always wear them from choice and that is fine. The longer we have adjustments because of Covid the harder it becomes to return to anything like normal, we will have moved too far.

    1. Lucky you Rachel not having to wear glasses. I think we have moved too far and it's never going to be life like it was pre covid. Thanks.

  9. It drives me mad !!!! Evidently you can get a clip to hold the mask tight to your nose - I keep meaning to get one! Today I bought a new Buff type scarf thinking it might be better - it wasn't!

  10. I discovered that by trial and error. Mostly my glasses don't go misty but I have 2 masks which mist over whatever I do. Fortunately I have a collection.
    My problem is wearing a mask and glasses. All those straps don't fit behind my ears and often my glasses fall off . Damned nuisance. I had to change my fav mask to very thin elastic

    1. Happy birthday on Friday LA. They are a pain and like you say a damned nuisance combined together.

  11. They are very annoying when they steam up Mark.

  12. I am exempt from a mask and because of my cranial leak I go round with a flannel tucked under my nose otherwise I would be dripping fluid over everything, although I rarely venture out anymore, I thought there was a anti fog spray you could use on glasses

  13. Hi Dawn. I must check out the anti fog spray for glasses. Thanks for commenting.


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