Saturday, 8 February 2025

Scruffy Gets A New Friend.

 Scruffy the Maine Coon cat lying in front of the stove.  Little Cat 🐈 the new Maine Coon plays on the firewood.  You can also see my empty pint glass.  I like a few cans on a weekend night. 

Maine Coon are an American breed.  The grow really large and so is the price they fetch to purchase.  You can pay 700 Pounds/Euros for one.  I jest not!

The two Maine Coons are lady cats and hopefully we will breed them.

We also have five other cats.  These are Heinz 57 varieties like myself.  They are neutered and earn their keep hunting the rats 🐀 mice and sometimes birds 🐦 sadly.

I have always been a dog 🐕 kind of pet owner.  But in recent years cats definitely appeal.

I could never live in a house without animals.  Like I couldn't live somewhere without vegetables, plants and a garden.

Have you got a menagerie like us?


  1. Sadly no. I have never owned a pet of any kind as animal fur/hair triggers my allergies and causes me trouble with breathing.
    I imagine they are a great delight though.

  2. We don't have many human friends but we have lots of four legged friends and of course all my plants JayCee.

  3. A garden and a cat makes my happiness levels soar, hubby could manage without them, but understands my need for both. I would love a Maine Coon, but that's a step too far for hubby. Our kitten Lilly is tiny but she is enough for me.

  4. Totally agree Marlene. Pets and gardens are so important. If I lived in a high rise block of flats I would grow vegetables and plants in pots and I would rent an allotment. I use to rent allotments when I lived in Blighty. They are full of characters and there's great camaraderie. Something lacking on a smallholding.

    1. I would slowly die if I lived in a flat with no outside space.

    2. Totally agree Marlene. I would even rent someone's garden if I had no garden or allotment.

  5. Only one dog now, but in the past I had five dogs at one time: a Yellow Lab, two Chesapeake Bay retrievers, a Doberman and a Dachshund--not to mention four children (or the time when holding a 3yr old's birthday party, the Labrador gave birth to seven puppies in the living room--best party entertainment ever). Definitely a menagerie. Just needed a partridge in a pear tree. Well, not a partridge perhaps, but these days after I put out the morning compliment of birdseed and freshen the water in the heated birdbath, a large variety of 30-40 birds show up. If I'm late, they sit on the deck or in nearby trees and put up a racket until they are fed. :)

    1. Thanks Mary. We have quite a few dogs. Great characters and like children. I have never heard of a heated bird bath. Great idea.

  6. I grew up with cats and daughters have dogs. We had a couple of budgies, all called Billy. I'm quite happy these days to have not even a goldfish.

    1. Dogs are great companions for walks Linda. We have (you already know) pigs, dogs, cats, ponies and rabbits.

  7. I one time had six cats which was great. I have never had less than three but am now down to two from four as you know. I would feel alone if I didn't have my two cat companions. They are very good alert cats and out-doorish as well as indoorish, so keep an eye on everything for me. I always feel at night that they are in charge which is a good thing. They are like another pair of eyes for me. We had cats on the farm but they never came indoors. Now I have the best of both worlds, indoors and out.

    1. Thanks Rachel. Since we got Domino I have become a lot more cat friendly. You would like the Maine Coon cats Rachel. Scruffy gets bigger by the day. She's going to be massive.

    2. Maine Coons look like lovely cats.

    3. They are Rachel and oh so big.

  8. we miss our cat. she died nearly 2 years ago.

  9. Yes it's a kind of bereavement when we lose our pals Tasker. I would definitely recommend you get another cat.

  10. We miss Mr T immensely and will make a special memorial copse for his ashes but we aren't allowed to have cats at our new home (on the boundary of a nature reserve so I have been trying to get the same sense of petship from a dog. It isn't the same. Mr T was very clever and very communicative (and not food motivated). The dogs on the other hand seem to be only motivated by food and it gets a bit boring having to constantly resist pleas for food (from fat animals that aren't starving).

  11. Yes Mr T was a great hero of me and a lot of people in blogland TM. Diesel our Bernese mountain dog dotes on me and I adore her. Wonderful sentient beings.

  12. No menagerie. Just my two rescues. Like you, I think I would struggle to be without.

  13. Definitely Jules. Life would be dull without them.

  14. I might as well claim the feral 'kittens' one cat here where we live plus an ever changing cast of characters in the feral population, and those four formerly feral cats at the house where we will live. Tiger flung himself across my lap yesterday, exposing his belly for scratches, purring loudly and kneading the air lazily.

  15. Sounds like you have got your hands/paws full with all those feline characters Debby?


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