Sunday, 9 February 2025

The Veg Plot Keeps Giving.

Brussel  Sprouts in a large plant pot.
This Brussel Sprout plant is having babies.  How strange?

They are only 89 Cents in Lidl this week.  They won't be a patch on our homegrown and organic Brussel Sprouts.

All they have had for fertilizer is fym and the recent frosts will have converted the starches into sugars.

There's not a lot to harvest from the veg at the moment apart from an abundance of leeks and the Brussel Sprouts.

The two chest freezers are still groaning with home produced vegetables and bacon and pork.

I intend to buy some compost this week and start sowing some veg seeds and I always start my onion sets off in module trays.  Its much better than planting them in wet and cold soil.

Anyone else starting sowing seeds yet?  Are you still harvesting your winter vegetables?


  1. My small winter harvest is over, my autumn sown broad beans and onions are all healthy. It's a bit soon for me to sow veg. I have covered part of my raised beds to warm the soil, I gave loads of small sowing planned.

  2. Our Japanese onions are over wintering and doing well Marlene. I am going to sow and plant my onion sets indoors over the next few weeks and hopefully having strong veg plants to plant out in March. Hoping to start chitting the seed potatoes indoors the next few weeks.

  3. I'm cutting lots of rocket. And looking for Bok Choy seed. But it's freezing here. Not much doing at all. Oh the celery plants, from supermarket bundles with roots, are thriving.

    1. Excellent Linda. Celery regrows again and again. The seed potatoes should be in the shops any day so we can start chitting them to plant around St Patrick's Day.

  4. We had 'new' potatoes, butter nut squash, shallots, tomatoes broccoli and peppers from the garden, with our meal last night, Could also have picked some cabbage or cauliflower.
    My seed potaoes and sweet potatoes are sprouting . Yesterday I managed to sow all my tomato, sweet pepper and aubergine seeds and a large tray of torpoedo shallots. I grow onions and shallots from seed,to ensure disease free bulbs. My Leeks failed this year, dobt know why. Will plant up some lettuce and other seeds today.
    Still loys of cleaning up from last year and the winter.
    A local keeper has installed bees in one of the fields, so hopw for really good crop on the fruit trees in the tunnels this year,

    1. You have plenty to choose from the garden Kathy. I am going to start sowing my vegetables this week in the little bedroom. I still haven't decided what to do with the polytunnel.

  5. I love sprouts but we don't grow our own. I still have a small bag in the freezer from last year's farmers market. I think I'll finish them up tonight with my venison steak.

  6. We are having ours with roast beef tonight JayCee. Very nice.

  7. My mint will grow in the Spring. I fancy more herbs growing and will buy some seeds and sow them in April. A herb garden is pleasant even if not all the herbs are used. Thanks for another inspiring post Dave.

  8. Cats like smelling herbs Rachel. Fresh homegrown an an anything herbs are so much nicer than anything you buy in the shops.

  9. I just cleared gorse and blackberry of about 40 square metres of my future veg garden to find that the soil is dust and rocks. Much fym and seaweed and rotted straw will be needed before I talking about seeds😒

  10. Sounds great TM. Will you be making raised beds? They are a lot easier on the back and they improve drainage immensely.

  11. I tend to harvest my vegetables at our farm on Chesterfield Road. It's called Lidl.
    P.S. I advise that you make more effort to use the vegetables that are in the freezer because you need to make space for more.

  12. It's a very good farm and they even sell beer and wine. I think you are right about emptying the freezers YP.


Shamrock For Sale.

Shamrock for sale in Woodies diy and garden centre the other day.  It was about 6 Euros a pot.  We smiled at it but didn't purchase any....