Sunday, 13 August 2017

Tea Pot Cottage Hunting

We went to King John's Castle in Limerick (will post a blog about our vist) the other day.  On the way there we looked in a bric a brac shop and a antique shop.  

We ended up buying three Beswick teapot cottages and a cheeseboard and a biscuit barrel cottage.    They now sit proudly under our painting of a ancient Hereford cow.

I could never be a antique dealer because I only buy what I like.  Then I don't want to sell them.  Perhaps we put the stuff on the shelf in a box and make room for some more teapot houses.  What do you collect?


  1. I like those teapot houses . Don't know f I would want more than one though. Do you ever use them to make tea? I like the idea of a biscuits barrel cottage too. That I would certainly fill up with biscuits.

    1. Thanks LA. No we don't use them to make tea. They are just ornaments that we like. Thanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Yes, my mother had one like these, just an ornament really, don't know what became of it.

  4. Hi Cumbrian. My grandmother had one in the farmhouse parlour in a china cabinet. My brother says hes got it in a cardboard box in his house. I wonder if that's what made us buy them?

  5. The teapots look great. I collect owls, must have around three hundred of them but no room for any more.

  6. This reminds me that I buried my tin soldiers in a Quality Street tin somewhere in Wales. Many had lost their hollow arms and legs in strategic battles hard won or lost as the fates willed it on the linoleum of my bedroom floor.



Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...