Wednesday, 9 January 2019

I Beg Your Pardon. I Never Promised You A Rose Garden. Also Onions Sprouting And Picking Carrots In JANUARY!

The weathers gone mad here in Costa Del West Cork.  I went into the garden plot to do some weeding and found a red rose in flower.  There are also forget me nots growing in the Phormium plant pots.

Remember my onion drying frame that I made for the grand sum of NOWT!  I went to pick them this very morn and they have decided to root and grow again.  Mother Nature's gone Sea Lion.  I mean senile.  That's a Peter Kay joke and we do live next to Bantry Bay.

 Do you remember when I made the carrot planter out af an old wheelbarrow?  Old Mr and Mrs carrot fly can't fly over twelve inches or 30 Centimetres if they're metric.  So we did soweth the carrot seed and they left the carrots alone.  Today we did picketh the carrots in January.  Isn't nature amazing?

Shall we have a sing song?  Good!  I think the lyrics are so clever


  1. Three advantages you have in Eire:
    Your weather's gone bananas
    You have green fingers.
    And you know your onions.

    Me? I've been cutting back ivy in the snow.

    1. And I nearly forgot you also tipped Wolves to beat Liverpool.

      I doff my cap.

    2. Thanks Gwil. What's the difference between Liverpool and a tea bag? A tea bag stays longer in the cup!

      I thought Mr Klopp would make the league and Champions League his priority. The sizteen old Liverpool defender looks sensational.

    3. Yes, the old ones are the best.

      At Liverpool we call a spade a shovel. Bill Shankly

    4. Liverpool looked very much like they looked against Manchester City. I don't know whether they get stage fright in front of cameras, but that is what it appears like. Or else they play like this all the time and have just been lucky.

    5. Yes Gwil. The old jokes are the best. Sir Matt played for Liverpool. Imagine if him and Shanks had managed together?

      Hi Rachel. I think a lot of professionals only play when they want and don't have the motivation or passion for arguably the greates t cup comp in the world. I dont understand that they don't realise they are playing another professional team no matter the division. Thanks!

    6. Thanks for the karaoke. I only sing along when nobody when nobody can hear me. The musik teecher put her hand to her ear and glared then she sent me to the back row and told me to move my lips and not make a sound. Even worse was the class orchestra. I managed to bash a hole in the drum.

    7. Roy Chubby Brown said: He's a right one (cleaned that up) Gary Oakey. Dumps all his gear in the corner and charges you fifty quid to use it.

      Who played for United one week and City the next week?

      Stalybridge all prize brass band!

  2. I was going to suggest you kept up the songwriting but now that your garden groweth I realise you won't have time.
    I haven't ventured out to see which flowers have dared to open but will get out there as soon as it warms up. Actually it is a lovely day, sunshine and freezing with a vengeance.

  3. Thanks Valerie. I come from a musical family. My mother had a Singer sewing machine!

    I saw magnificent Camelia specimen on my five mile saunter this afternoon. I would mind writing song lyrics for a living or even for free. Thanks

  4. There is a rose blossoming in my neighbour's garden, but it might have succumbed to the heavy frosts we have just had. Like your carrot poem. Think I might try carrots grown in a large container. Not a wheelbarrow though, because my husband keeps 'borrowing' mine to shift the cow manure out to the veg gardens!

  5. Containers or raised beds made from concrete blocks and filled with river sand (builders sand has salt in it) and sieved soil will be great. Your mole soil even. My wheelbarrow was cracked (plastic) and the wheel was flat. So I decided to make it into a raised carrot bed/planter. Thanks!

  6. Our dry southern California doesn't give itself to carrots and onions, unless we get regular rain. Your carrot ode is great.

  7. Thanks Susan. Carrots and onions originate from central Asia. So they like hot climates. I have a rain barrel full of rainwater. Not that there is any shortage here in Ireland. I am glad you liked the ode!

  8. I am a convert to welsh onions/walking onions. my family swear by them, they are cheap and never run out and just look after themselves.

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