Thursday, 5 October 2023

A Bread Van For JayCee.

 It makes a change from Pat The Baker over here:


A picture from our Algarve holiday last October.

It was 28 degrees.  Supposed to be 25 degrees in Ireland at the weekend.  I might go carbooting?  

Want to buy some of my perennials?  They are cheap to blog customers.


  1. So they have Bimbos in the Algarve too!

  2. Plenty of white legs, denim skirts and hydrogen peroxide hairstyles. A few receding hair lines like mine too JayCee. You can also get the Brazilian bread 🍞 .

  3. Bimbo? I once bought some fruit gums in Iceland* called "Spunk" and I am not kidding Dave! * - the country not the supermarket.

  4. Ha! My son worked for Bimbo bread for many years keeping their automation running! They have plants all over the world.

    1. Really Debby. I have seen their vans in Portugal.

  5. Sorry, no perennials for me. I did find a pack of french marigold seeds in a drawer I was cleaning out and planted them in an empty pot. We'll see how they do, the pack is a several years out of date.
    Is Bimbo a bread brand?

    1. They might grow River. Yes Bimbo is a bread brand.

  6. Bimbo Bimbo where gonna go
    Bimbo Bimbo whatcha gonna do
    Bimbo Bimbo does you Mummy know
    When it's time for to get you fed
    You're eating all that nice white bread
    Or something like that. I remember the song 'Bimbo Bimbo
    but can't quite get the tune

  7. Just found Jim Reeves on YouTube singing Bimbo Bimbo☺️

  8. Perhaps that is where they got the name from Linda? Welcome To My World is my favourite one of his.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...