Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Forest, Field & Sky.

We watched the Forest, Field and Sky: Art Out Of Nature on BBC 4 last night.  It was about artists whose work explores the human relationship with the natural world.  Well that's what my tv magazine said.  Did you see it?  

It showed a man building a dry stone wall in the trunk of a dead tree, an artist who made a walk by treading the grass down in a line.  It reminded me of a white line on a football pitch.  He also made a 10 mile walk. Here was a lady artist who made a stone structure in the sea and set a bonfire in it.  Then they filmed the ever encroaching sea rising over the structure.  A fascinating programme and confirmed what I have thought for a long time.  Everything can be art.  It doesn't have to be that which is useless.  

Take a meal, a vase of flowers, a blog picture, a blog post, a poem, a painting, a book, a garden, a well dug allotment.  You know what?  I think it's all art?  Mother nature is the greatest artist of them all.  She doesn't draw in straight lines either. Like trees planted like soldiers on golf courses.  Do you agree?

Here's a poem I wrote the other year.  It came to me when I walking.  The 10 mile walk on the programme made me think of my poem: Walking Right Through Time.


I am not walking on the earth,

I am not walking on the stars,

I just keep walking, walking through time.

There's no cobwebs on my finger tips, 

No Ivy growing around my heart,

I am just a Poet looking for a rhyme,

Walking, walking, walking,

Right through time.


  1. Great words in the poem Dave. A lot to think about in the post. Words, places, moments in time, sand on a beach, looking at the sea, being with people we love. Things to share and to hope the young receive from us all.

    1. Thanks Rachel. I think there is art and beauty in most things. We have just got to look for or even use our own creative talents to make it.

  2. Great poem. I do prefer my art traditional though ..a painting I can see and enjoy..although I realise there is more to art than colour on a canvas

    1. Thanks L A. I think you are right. There is more to art than colour on a canvas.

  3. Art is so subjective m'thinks, though making good cider, now there is an artform

    1. Hi John. Always great to hear from you. Art can be very subjective. I forgot to mention music also. There are some classic rock albums that could also be considered art. A good pint of cider, bitter, real ale, stout.. Now they are art forms. One agrees with that. Thanks.

  4. I thought the programme was wonderful, loved it all and the ash dome. It's made me want to push my boundaries

    1. Hi BG. Yes it was a wonderful programme. The ash dome was planted in the seventies and it's still changing. I liked the woman's bonfire stone sea fire structure and the patience of the dry stone wall sculptor in Cumbria. I am sure it's inspired you to be more creative BG.

  5. Like that poem!

    And you are right: Nature is the best artist.

  6. I am glad you like the poem Gwil. Nature is incredibly talented and the best artist.

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