Thursday, 10 November 2016

Watching Television The Other Night.

We watched the Ben Fogle New Lives In The Wild on Channel 5 on Wednesday night.  It featured an English couple who looked up houses on Right Move for 3 grand and they found an old rural house with land in Hungary.  Did you see it?

The programme started with Ben walking down a street asking people if they knew where the English couple lived?  We must have all done something similar in a foreign country.  It reminded me of the time myself and the missus went to Folkestone in the middle of the snow one February, like you do! We stayed in a B & B and they served our breakfast in our bedroom?  Seriously.  

Any road.  We decided to go on a ferry to Boulogne for the day.  When we got there we went in a cafe/bar and had a couple of drinks and the best omelette and French fries we have ever tasted.  Then we went into an "Oirish (Irish) pub.  It had all the traditional fittings and they even made a shamrock in the froth of your Guinness.  Only trouble was none of the bar staff spoke English.  No problem thinks me.  All I did was gesticulate and make hand signals for a large glass, small glass and two fingers for: two drinks.  Who needs translation books of even French lessons?

Any road again.  The couple in Hungary said they had a budget of six Pounds a day to live on. I bet six Pounds goes a lot further than it does in Britain or Ireland?  I say fair play to them for having the get up and go for making a new life in the countryside.  Don't fancy killing rabbits though.  Think I would buy them oven ready from the rabbit owner up the road.  

I decided long a go the only way to get away from the rat race is to live on a smallholding or even get yourself an allotment.  I just hope Brexit doesn't stop people from living their rural dream in other countries.   


  1. I like Ben's programme. He's interesting and fun. He did one in NZ too. Looking forward to seeing Hungary.

    1. Hi LA. Yes it's good to see how people live and cope. I would like to visit Hungary. The nearest I have been is Slovakia and Austria. Would imagine it's incredibly hot in summer and freezing in winter.

  2. PS aren't you doing the same thing....closer to home....except for killing rabbits

    1. Yes we live on a small farm and have a small plot for growing vegetable and plants. Don't fancy killing the rabbits. It's always a very sad day when the livestock go for slaughter. We also have a range for hot water and for cooking. Thanks!

  3. Neusiedlersee Lake straddles the Hungarian-Astrian border. Bratislava airport is not far away. You can fly there from Liverpool. In winter I've seen people ice skating on the lake at the village of Breitenbrunn where there is a decent restaurant at the lakeside. Try a hot mug of Gluhwein along with your spicy Hungarian Gulasch.

  4. Hi Gwil. I visited Vienna and Bratislava in 2014. Really liked Bratislava. Lovely friendly people. Wonderful architecture and incredibly cheap food and drink. You can fly there from Dublin too. We went by train (9 hours)from Warsaw to Vienna and a train for the day to Bratislava. Would love to visit Budapest some time. Thanks for the food and drink tips!

  5. I like Ken Fogle and his programmes but I didn't see this one. I hope I can see it when it is on again. I think where there is a will there is a way and whatever people want to do they will do it regardless of things like Brexit which can always be used as an excuse. At the moment I would love to live in Russia where beer and food was cheap and people were living on fishing and hunting around the Lake Baikal! Probably seeig it through rose-tinted spectacles!

    You would love Budapest Dave.

  6. Hi Rachel. I think Channel 5 repeat it on Sundays? Check out the Channel 5 site.

    I think it was on Tuesday night. It was very good. There are quite a few reviews about in on the web.

    Wish Maggie (Theresa)May would let us know if ex pats and EEC immigrants can stay in Europe and the UK. I know there is the agreement with Britain and Ireland for free movement which goes back to the twenties. I am going to apply for an Irish passport to prove my dual citizenship. Ireland will still be an EEC country.

    Russia sounds wonderful. Bulgaria is also very cheap to live. I want to visit more countries in Europe, especially Hungary. Thanks!

  7. I saw it. This goes with my blog post the other week where I just dont think some people get that younger people, just dont want debt and to do a 9-5 and to live lighter on the planet. I left one of the comments on that I would normally have deleted. the other 4 I deleted as they are just agressive and see anyone who says they wants to live differently; as you attacking how they have always lived. 2.4 children, house they bought when they first married. etc... they find it threatening that you dare to think that there is another way. I think in the end I may have got through to the one whose comment I let through. Some times you need to say, fine, you live how you want and I will live how I want. And that is exactly how that couple in Hungary went to do and are doing. Its not that they dont want to work, it is more they see a different way. And as you know, a small holding is A LOT OF WORK. Good for them. Did you see her face when the deed came for the house! Magic!

    1. Hi Sol, I did see her face when she got the deeds in her hand. No mortgage, no rent. Fair play to them. I hope there is a follow up series next year. Would love to know how they got on.

    2. Hi Sol, I did see her face when she got the deeds in her hand. No mortgage, no rent. Fair play to them. I hope there is a follow up series next year. Would love to know how they got on.

  8. Great to see a young couple doing their own thing.
    Just shows there's more to life than the treadmill and impoverishment of wage slavery to make obscenely rich people even richer.
    I hope they live a long and happy life there.

    1. Totally agree with you Cumbrian. I thought the local neighbour's seemed very helpful and friendly too.

    2. Totally agree with you Cumbrian. I thought the local neighbour's seemed very helpful and friendly too.

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Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...