Sunday, 28 March 2021

A Gypsy Goth Rock Goddess From Coventry.

 I haven't  featured any of my favourite Rock lasses for a while.  Today I would like to feature Julianne Regan the lead singer of All About Eve.  She's  half Irish and half English like yours truly.

I first saw her and her band at Manchester Apollo in 1988.  Then me and my mates saw them again at Glastonbury festival in 1989.  It only cost 28 Pounds for a ticket and the weather was fabulous.

I remember a Rastafarian gentlemen stood in  the road next to the stands shouting: "Rocky, Rocky, Rocky.."  Me in my ever nieve manner thought he was shouting for his dog that he'd lost.  Someone told me " Rocky" was the street slang name for Moroccan or Pot!

It was a great weekend and the highlight for me was seeing The Pixies and All About About Eve.  

I often look up concerts I could have been to on You Tube.  Sure enough I found All About Eve singing on a video " In The Clouds".  At the beginning you hear two lads shouting: "In The Clouds".  I am sure it's me and my pal shouting the song title enjoy.

The long haired guitarist is called Tim and comes from Huddersfield  YP.


  1. Tim is A Yorkshireman? I wondered why his guitar playing was so brilliant. Now I know. And you saw pixies at Glastonbury? I bet you also saw fairies and goblins. You must have been smoking waccy-baccy because pixies do not exist!

  2. You obviously enjoyed yourself there Dave.
    I have never heard of the band but they seem to be having a great time in that video.

  3. Tim Bricheno YP. Did you hear of that nineteen fifties Huddersfield pop group YP? They're called: Ben Shaws.

    The Pixies are an American Indie group. We did buy plastic flagons full of scrumpy for a fiver a go.

    1. Okay...that whole last sentence was a tough read over here. I think we're good now. I had to look up scrumpy though.

    2. No illicit drugs Debby. Just good old scrumpy cider. Perfect if you want a bad headache.😊

  4. Four mad days and nights JayCee in a tent city in Somerset. It was very tiring and memorable and very hot. All About Eve were one of the best bands of the 1980s in my humble opinion. Julianne was a very nice Coleen(a young lady in Ireland) with her gypsy goth/ hippy dress look.

  5. I love looking at bands on You Tube, and old jazz sessions especially - could never have seen those, but I can dream... oh to have seen Stan Getz...

  6. Hi The bike shed. I often find myself on You Tube looking at my favourite bands and even some of the gigs I have attended. Buddy Rich would be the jazz drummer I would like to have seen. Fortunately I got to see Neil Peart, Rush drummer who was in the same vein. Thanks Mark.

  7. I am embarrassed. I never meant that you had to remove the post...just the comments that made me seem like a 'praise whore'.

  8. No worries Debby. I will move on and try to think of something else to write about.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...