Wednesday, 17 March 2021

If Harry And Meghan Were Irish.

 Happy Saint Patrick's Day.  I found this gem of a video: 


  1. Yep, the Irish got it roight. That's one interview I watched happily from beginning to end.
    Happy St Patrick's to you all Dave

  2. Happy Paddy's day Linda to you and to yours. It's good to have a laugh and a joke.

    1. Very funny. I'll pass it on to a few friends too.

    2. Great stuff. We all need a laugh and a joke in such serious times.

  3. No subtitles!! but I am sure it was funny.

  4. I'm afraid there are no subtitles JayCee. It's got a bit of cursing but it's very funny. Ask P to watch it with you.

    Lovely day again here on the Irish Riviera. Been potting up and seed sowing in "Portugal " my polytunnel pal.

    1. Sunny here too. P has just sown some courgette seeds in pots on the windowsill. As we are likely to be here a bit longer than planned he thought he had better make a (late) start.

  5. Good to read. Good on P. Would be buyers will like a nice veg/flowergarden. It's good for body and soul to keep busy. I think you will get some good house moving news soon.

  6. So funny that I linked to it from my place. Have a happy day, Northsider!

  7. Glad you enjoyed the video Debby. It brightened my day,thanks!

  8. Ha! Ha! I loved this raciest video that pokes fun at the Oirish. Shame Harry didn't stand up and do an Oirish jig.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...