Tuesday, 30 March 2021

The Ever Bustling Plant Nursery.


My old part of the veg plot runneth over with plants.

They are mainly perennials and shrubs that I have grown from division and cuttings.  I have hundreds of plants in plastic plant pots ready to be sold at carboot sales.  I have heard of there being a baby boom.  Well Lockdown Ireland means there is a plant boom on the banks of Bantry Bay.

Want to buy some perennials and shrubs?  Lots of pretty flowers for your garden?

Oh for carboot sales to return.  


  1. Who needs the Amazon Rainforest when the world has Northsider's Veg Plot?
    Looks impressive!

  2. Thanks JayCee. It's called having a hobby when you live in the countryside next to the sea in a lockdown. At least I can talk to my plants.😊

  3. Can you deliver in person and look after them for a couple of weeks!! You'll get food, drink and board in return, but never bored,

    1. I'll take them for you Dave. Save you a journey. Linda, can I have a room with a sea view please?

    2. You and Peregrine pop over with the yacht and we'll meet you at the pier near us JayCee.

  4. Of course LA. It's a pity I couldn't email them you. I think a lot more goes on in your island than happens in West Cork. Thanks.

  5. I need another shrubbery. I could create the effect of a path by planting them at two different heights...ps you wouldn't have a herring lying about, would you?

  6. I have some nice bamboo Debby in pots. Makes very good screening and you can trim it to the height you like. No herring but there are plenty of mussels in the bay.

  7. Monty Python reference...a shrubbery!

  8. Love the Python's Debby, "I've been afflicted with a bald patch".

  9. Just announced. Have you heard the news that all Lidl stores in The British Isles - including The Republic of Ireland -are to be shut down with immediate effect owing to a big corporate tax scandal. It's such an unexpected bombshell. I do not know where I will go shopping now.

  10. I didn't YP. But I read that all Yorkshire Puddings have to be made in Lancashire from today. 😀

    1. Does that mean we will have to move to Lancashire in order to bake our Yorkshire puddings or are you just referring to shop bought Yorkshire puddings? Oh woe is me!

    2. You will need a passport to move to Lancashire YP. However seeing you are blessed with a sense of humour. I can not see this being a problem. They still make those Aunt Betty's Yorkshire Puddings in Hull. Which I believe is or was once in Yorkshire?

  11. Hi Dave.Have you had any luck with rooting rhododendrons and Azalias? I intend rooting some camelia als . Have one large one that is covered in flowers. The squirrels love eating the buds.

  12. Hi Kathy. I haven't. You have set us both a challenge. They love the Irish acidic peaty soil. There are some magnificent specimens in flower at the moment.


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 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...