Monday, 1 March 2021

Getting The Vegetable Seeds Going In Front Room Window.

 I weeded and dug over another veg plot area today.  I know it's still too cold to sow or plant anything.  But I thought I would get the ground prepared before the rains return at the weekend.

Meanwhile back at the ranch or even bungalow.   Wifey went to our German garden centre and beer providers the other day and came back with a handful of packets of cheap vegetables seeds.  I filled up the some trays in propagators with potting compost and then she sowed some vegetable seeds in the front room window:

Tomatoes, Capsicums and Sweet Peas.  All growing nicely and getting misted and heat from the Kitchen range and  front room stove and central heating.

We've also got spuds chitting on the unit in the front room.  We like to treat our vegetables with a bit of TLC.  Have you started growing vegetables seeds yet?


  1. Are you trying to make me feel guilty you young whippersnapper? NO I HAVE NOT STARTED GERMINATING VEGETABLE SEEDS!

  2. Why not YP? Tonight I'm going to cut the skin tops off my onion sets to stop the birds pulling them out of the ground. Oh what fun. There's never a dull moment in the countryside next to the sea.

  3. Did my comment get through. I got a broken blog sign, whatever that meant.

  4. Thanks for persevering with your blog comment Linda. I don't know what a broken blog sign means. It was another dry but cooler day today. Supposed to be dry until weekend. Aren't we lucky? 😀

  5. Nooo... not MORE rain????
    We are floating away......

  6. I know! Just looked at IOM ten days weather forecast JayCee. Sixty percent showers from the weekend onwards. I think we share the same rain clouds and they follow us around.

  7. I often swear at the rain and wind. We should hibernate or fly South for the winter.

  8. Darn my other comment must have disappeared into cyber space.
    First of all just copy paste YPs comment. I've done nothing though I have put aside a soft tomato I thought I'd cut up and try planting. Otherwise I've been throwing ashes, coffee grounds and some, I'm, irine, all over the garden trying to give it a bit of nutrient. Compost is coming on well but needs time.
    I've printed the grapevine and will prune the roses this week.

  9. There's plenty of time to get growing things Linda. I'm going to try growing potatoes in seaweed this year. Sounds like you have been busy. You can never have enough homemade compost can you?

    1. Sorry about all the mistakes in that comment ☹️ I know you got-it but it's so annoying for me to read when it appears. Lazy editing

    2. Not at all LA. Sometimes we get the gremlins but yes I got your comment. Thanks.

  10. I have started some pepper plants and a few cherry tomato plants and two pumpkins for Iris to take with me when I go to visit this week. They are in a different growing zone than us and will be able to get their garden in much earlier. I'll start my own plants when I get back from my visit.

  11. I have eweet peppers germinating well, but some take longer than others. Tomatoes are in but not up yet . all the onions and leeks have come up well. I grow onions from seed to avoid any possible infections on the sets. Garlic growing well also mange tout. So far we have weeded and mulched all but two of the outside beds and all but one of the beds in the tunnels. The peach, nectarine and apricot blossom has been fantastic We have tickled a lot with a feather, so probably have far too many set. Some asparagus ready to pick, but only a few, the rest are not showing yet.Window sills getting very crowded.

    1. It sounds like it's all go Kathy. Good to read. I'm running out of room in the polytunnel. I need to empty it of shrubs to make but they are doing so well. I could do with another polytunnel. Thanks.

    2. They are never big enough,one is 60ft, one is 30ft and the other is 20 ft, but still not enough room .

    3. Gosh! That sounds like polytunnel Heaven. I have polytunnel envy.😊

  12. Good to read Debby. It will be good for Iris to watch things grow and a change of scenery for you.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...