Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Mission Accomplished On The Veg Plot.

I've been a busy bee on ye olde veg plot this week.  I have done my digging/piking and weeding and moving concrete pig slats and paving slabs to make paths and divide the plot.  The big bit near the house will be our new potatoes 🥔 patch.
Yours truly with a trug full of 'twitch' and other pernicious weeds.  The tools of my trade are my spade, 4 prong pike and my Azada is having a lie down.  I know how it feels.  Have you got an Azada?

Anyone want their  veg plot dug over and weeded?  I'm not expensive and I only swear every ten minutes.  

I suppose I should cover it up with a tarpaulin or plastic sheet until planting time? I have plans of collecting bags of seaweed and planting my perennials around the edges to prevent soil falling on to the paths and make it into our very own English/Irish Potager with pretty flowers and attract the 🐝 to pollinate the plants and vegetables.



  1. You have certainly been busy in between the rainy downpours. Does it make your soil very heavy or is it fairly easy to dig over?

  2. It's been unbelievably dry all week JayCee. The clouds look leaden and if there is a cap of them on top of Hungry Hill it's sure to mean rain. The soil was compact with me using it for my perennials nursery and it formed a pan and the most pernicious weeds were couch living under the tarpaulins. It's just began to rain.

  3. Wish I could hire you!! We've got a back yard which badly needs turning over and you could happily take/fly home barrowloads of weeds for the menagerie .

  4. I'm not expensive Linda. A few days in Poros and some of the local grog would suffice. Seriously have you thought about getting a couple of pigs or the loan of a couple of them? They are great at rooting and fertilizing the ground. You would be fattening them at the same time.

  5. F is a jealous as as jealous thing - stuck behind her computer screen all day all week when like you she should be extracting pernicious weeds from the veg patch.

    1. Hi Tigger. If it's dry you get out on your veg plot. At least I can see something for my efforts this week.

  6. PS - do your felines supervise by the way?

  7. They wander round and use the timbe I think r door on the polytunnel for a scratching post. Robins perch on my shovel and fork handles . I think they look for worms and have opinions about my efforts.

    1. I used to use the entrance to F's little plastic greenhouse as a scratching 'post'. It got me in no end of trouble but I couldn't (or wouldn't) stop myself from doing it.

    2. You sound like our Domino Tigger. Once I caught him using the polytunnel door for a scratching post and I chastised him and he climbed on top of the polytunnel roof and started bouncing up and down like it was his own personal trampoline.

  8. Yes. I do want our veg plot digging over. My private jet will be popping over at the weekend to pick you up. Bring a toothbrush.

  9. Count me in. Will it be Yorkshire Airlines? See Hale and Pace YouTube video for further details. Maybe JayCee and P will let us use their yacht? Meet you at Bantry Marina YP.

    1. Sorry but the yacht is out on manoeuvres at the moment. Patrolling the Irish Sea checking for leprechauns.

  10. Drat! I suppose it will have to be Ryanair yet again? "No I don't want to buy a lottery ticket." If those leprechauns have been drinking Paddy whiskey. Don't go near them!

  11. I like your potager idea, that would be pretty. Your four pronged pike is what we call a garden fork. I have no idea what an Azada is, you'll need to show us a picture.

  12. I will show you a picture of my Azada River. Apparently Azada is Spanish for hoe. The long handled four prong pike was traditionally used for mucking out and loading carts. I like using them for digging. We also have long handled Celtic shovels in Ireland. In England the T shaped handled shovels and forks are used and there is much more emphasis on working your back. The potager idea is to attract beneficial insects like bees and to make the veg plot look attractive.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...