Monday, 27 February 2023

"Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit, Run, Run, A Homemade Rabbit Run."


Here's two the new rabbits having a bite to eat or nibble even of grass in their Run.

I strimmed the lawns the other day and didn't know the long eared lads and lasses were going to be put out by day. 

The weather is being kind to us at the moment down here on the Irish Riviera and it's look like a very early Spring.

We bought some Homeguard and British Queen seed potatoes from Lidl the other day and I have left them in their net bags to chit on top of the bookcase/unit in the front room.

Have you bought your seed potatoes and started chitting them yet?


  1. You're missing one run in the title...

  2. I don't think I will plant any potatoes this year. Slug damage is disheartening. Do you have any foxes in your district? I would hate to think of the bunnies becoming fox food.

    1. You could grow them in bags or plant pots YP. Yes foxes do concern us.

  3. Yuummmm rabbit! No seed spuds here, we haven't got any room for spuds, and anyway Mr B asked F to take spuds off the menu. (Something to do with carbs and weight and stuff - so F sneaks a fix of chips for herself once a month or so, and we don't grow any.) When we used to grow them, like YP says, slugs damaged most of them.

    1. There well worth growing in pots filled with compost Tigger. I grow them in bags in the polytunnel and outside in the veg plot.

  4. PS - F used to have a farm cat that could catch nearly full sized rabbits, and eat them all (except the ears) by himself . You should watch out for cats as well as foxes.

  5. We have three cats Tigger. They killed a wild one the other day.

  6. It's definitely warmer here now but we need a little rain. The weeds are huge this winter.

  7. Hi Linda. If you kept pigs, rabbits or poultry. They would keep the weeds down for you. It's been dry here since last Wednesday and it's nice to have a break from the rain.

  8. That's a nice long run for them. What is "chitting"?

  9. Chitting is another word for sprouting pota shoots River


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...