Friday, 24 February 2023

R Is For Rory Gallagher.


Yes I know the next letter on my favourite Rock bands is N but I was in Macroom on Monday and whilst the wife went shopping in our favourite discount supermarket and garden centre and beer providers.  I walked a few streets (blocks) back to take a picture of Rory Gallagher at the Mountain Dew Festival at Macroom Castle in 1977.  

It's  said to be the first real Rock festival in Ireland and even my second favourite band Thin Lizzy played there.

Macroom is a that town like the other West Cork towns that is no longer connected by  train and many people walked the 24 miles or so from Cork to Macroom.  

I once talked to a taxi driver in Cork city about the legendary festival.  It was the equivalent of West Cork's Woodstock or Knebworth or Glastonbury.  Rather like when U2 (I have seen them!) played Cork city and fifty people attended the concert and yet the world and the wife claim they happened to be at that certain concert.  The same can be said about when Nirvana played Cork.

I was never fortunate enough to see the great man play but I have seen his former group Band of Friends play at A New Day Festival in Kent in 2019.  

Here's one of my favourite Rory tracks.  Enjoy.


  1. Another Rory Gallagher fan here Dave. I remember him most in Taste and seeing them play more than once at a small venue in Norwich when I was a teenager. Great memories and I always loved his voice as well as his guitar.

  2. You have seen some great bands Rachel. I don't get to see many bands living in the countryside next to the sea apart from an odd festival the last few years. At least we have good old You Tube to play and watch our favourite bands. Thanks for commenting Rachel.

  3. I saw Rory Gallagher play half a dozen times. He was at one with his guitar. You can have my autograph if you wish... for a small fee. I note that he is buried in St Oliver's Cemetery, on the Clash Road just outside Ballincollig near Cork City,

  4. Lucky you YP. I think he was only 45 when he passed away. If you type Rory Gallagher in Search This Blog. It will take you to a blog I posted of when we visited Rory's grave. We visited Delores O'Riordans grave last year. I want to visit Phil Lynott's in Howth some time. Their music lives on for ever.

  5. I too saw Rory a couple of times when I was young. Musically he was fabulous to watch and I must admit very easy on the eye!

  6. One of Ireland's greatest musicians Libby. I suppose his music is more Blues than Prog but very enjoyable to watch and listen.

  7. You are broadening F's musical education and she liked this music. Thank you, Mr T

  8. Glad F likes my music choice Tigger. I listen to my music on Spotify on my mobile phone when I am in the polytunnel and veg plot and walking the hills where I live.


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