Monday, 25 September 2023

Garden Of Remembrance.


A garden of remembrance picture I took when I visited  Somerset recently.  

Old churches and graveyards fascinate me.  I admire the people who have gone before us for their faith and how they built things for the glory of God.

One of my favourite Prog Rock bands are Marillion.  Especially their early stuff with Fish.  I am saw him with Marillion in 1986 and I saw him again on his own in Kent a few years ago.

Fish is a keen gardener like myself and he's also a fine lyricist and poet.

Here's a very poignant song by him:

The video/song is about a young couple dealing with an early onset of Alzheimer's.  It really is a moving and beautiful video.


  1. It is a very lovely video, and one that I had not heard before. Have you ever seen the movie 'Away from Her?' I think that you would enjoy it.

  2. Glad you like the video Debby. I haven't seen 'Away From Her" but I will do. I find watching 'Shadowlands' incredibly cathartic. We have only watched it 24 times so far.

  3. Just watched the trailer to your film recommendation. It looks good. I love Julie Christie. She's got a farm in Wales and a house in London. The best of both worlds I would think? Far From The Madding Crowd was one of her best films. Thomas Hardy would have loved it and her performance.

  4. Julie Christie is a very beautiful woman. I remember watching the film Far From The Madding Crowd as we were studying the book for English Lit at school. Very romantic.

  5. Great film adaptation of a brilliant English Literature classic JayCee. Julie Christie was a nineteen sixties film icon and English rose.

  6. Interestingly travelling about the most obvious thing to visit in most places is the church/abbey/priory. It's public, has layers of history, and beat trawling about a other High Street with the same nationwide brands on it. To be fair places we have visited this week have been big on independent traders but I wonder if that is because strained big brands have pulled out of small High Streets and let the locals restore some character to their retail zones. What are the modern equivalents of cathedrals? What do we create there days to convey magnificence and higher purpose? Big railway stations?

  7. Very thoughtful comments Tigger's Mum. I suppose railway stations and shopping centres are the modern day equivalent to the cathedral? In Medieval times a grandfather stonemason would begin work on the ecclesiastical building and the grandson stonemason might complete it.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...