Thursday, 21 September 2023

"Psst.. Want To Buy An Hedge?"


Twenty five griselina rooted hedging plants in pots.

I grew them from cuttings last year.  They are an instant hedge and I even potted them up in my homemade compost mix.

Plant them about 18 inches apart and they will soon establish themselves into a fine hedge.

I made 125 new Griselina or New Zealand Privet plants this week.  Hopefully they will strike roots and I will have some more to sell next year.

 The best thing about growing them in pots means that you can plant them at any time of year and they are growing in a good compost growing medium.  

Like a tree nursery man once said to me: "You can't grow good trees in bad land". 

I think I will set some hedging cuttings in a vacant area of the veg plot and hopefully I will have bare rooted hedging plants ready to plant or sell next Autumn.

Anyone else grow their own hedging? 


  1. Oh yes please. Do you deliver?

  2. Collection only and strictly cash please! You could always get P to set some hedge cuttings in a vacant area of the veg patch JayCee?

    1. I shall have to send him out on a hedge cutting expedition. He is busily cutting down all the dead, ivy-covered saplings around the boundary and we have lots of bare patches now for people to stare through!

  3. Cattle and goats like eating Ivy. It is said to be a fine tonic for them. I try to grow shrubs that flower like Rugosa and Hypericum. You will never have witches visit you if you plant Hypericum. It's supposed to be true.

  4. We pinched one of ours as saplings from the local woods. Beech. You have to keep it well under control though.

  5. Hi Tasker. I am always trying to get a plant to root. Be it Buddleia, a rose or even an old Salix. There's always somewhere you can find to plant them or even sell them at a carboot sale.

  6. How many miles of hedge do you need? My guess is that along with ivy, your goats would make short work of the griselinia - deer do.

  7. I took 50 more Griselina cuttings today Tigger's Mum. That will be probably the subject of tomorrow's blog post. Griselina is good goat 🐐 and 🦌 food. It's got a leathery like leaf and very suitable for places like here where we live in the countryside next to the sea. Veg plots like hedges also. They have their own microclimate like walled kitchen gardens do. Thanks!

  8. Privet is one of my hayfever allergy triggers, so I avoid it like the plague when it is flowering. I already have a hedge of Jades which now needs to be cut back as some branches have become top heavy and are drooping badly.

  9. I'm always trimming my hedges River. They say there is growth ten months of the year down here on the Gulf Stream. Thanks.


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