Sunday, 24 September 2023

Stove Lit And Drinking Irish Coffee.

 You wouldn't put a milk bottle outside in this weather.

I have just lit the fire and we are drinking Irish coffees.

Set some garlic in the polytunnel this morning.  Must buy some Japanese onions sets this week if they are in store.

Homemade steak puddings and Yorkshire Puddings for tea.

A typical Autumnnal day on our Irish smallholding.  🍻. 


  1. We haven't switched on our heating yet but I am wearing two jumpers and thick socks.

    1. We haven't switched our oil heating on yet JayCee but we light the stove in the front room every night. I have lit it early today. Hot Toddy's warm you up.

  2. Oh to have a decent fire again. No hope of that here until I get my workshop sorted

  3. I'm always chopping wood up for the stove GZ. Smokeless solid fuel gets more expensive every year with the carbon taxes.

    1. A wood fire warms you twice. Once while you're chopping the wood, and again when you are sitting in front of it. I've looked up your steak puddings. They look a lot like our pot pies, but we put potatoes, carrots, celery, peas and onions in ours. Now that it is getting cold, I think it is about time to whip up a batch on this side of the pond.

    2. I think there is more warmth chopping the wood Debby.

  4. I'm NOT watching a Greek soccor match , reading blogs, and drinking frozen espresso. A shot of Irish whisky in it would make it perfect.
    Irish Whisky or Whisk-e-y?

  5. Irish Whiskey is spelt with an "e" in it Linda. It's Bushmills today. Hopefully there will be a Scottish Malt like Dalwhinnie for Christmas or my birthday in December. Thanks.

  6. Yorkshire Pudding for tea? You will have to catch me first!

  7. You would be made welcome YP. Steak Puddings and Yorkshire Puddings for tea. Good Northern English food.

  8. I lit the woodburner a couple of times in the last few days but not tonight, it is 20C here today, maybe a bit lower now. I like Yorkshire puddings with lots of things, not just roast beef.

  9. It's been horribly wet and windy here today Rachel. There's even a small puddle in the polytunnel. Yes Yorkshire Puddings can have lots of different fillings. Thanks!

  10. Hope you're back to your good self YP? You sound like you are.

  11. Next winter I am going to have another try at Yorkshire Puddings. It's been several decades since my last failure.

  12. You can buy ready made ones like Aunt Bessie's in the supermarkets River.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...