Thursday, 23 November 2023

A Voice Like An Angel.

 Eva Cassidy never found true fame and fortune in her short life.  

Cancer cruelly took her from us in her early thirties. Thirty three to be precise.  Eva would be 60 now.  It's so sad but her music and videos live on.

English based radio presenters like Mike Harding and Terry Wogan kept playing her records and Eva's records topped the record charts in Blighty.

I have a couple of Cds by Eva Cassidy and we play them when we are travelling around Cork and Kerry and wherever where else we go.

It's a beautiful 🎵 song.  I wouldn't mind some of those leaves to make leaf mould.  The veg and plants love it.


  1. Not a pure voice but one filled with understanding and human frailty. It is almost as if Eva Cassidy lived with a premonition that she would die young. Thank you for sharing this song Dave.

    1. I just though it was appropriate for the end of Autumn YP. Thanks.

  2. Glad you like it River. Her album was entitled Songbird. She was amazing and her music lives on.

  3. I just read a bit about her on another blog. She really does have a pure sweet voice, didn't she?

  4. A beautiful sweet voice Debby. Thanks to good old YouTube and recorded music Eva's music is with us for ever.

  5. Gentle, even mindful music. Thanks Dave.

  6. Great description TM. Mindful and cathartic even mentally refreshing. Glad you liked it.


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 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...