Wednesday, 15 November 2023

It's Knitting Season Again.

It's knitting season down on the Irish Riviera now.

Every night after tea.  The Stove is lit and I keep it stocked with the homemade  firewood I have chopped and gathered in the morning. 

Then we settle down to watch the old John Logie Baird machine (television) in the corner.  We argue over what films or programmes we are going to watch.  I also check blogs, comments and emails, news, football  scores on my electronic devices.  Then the knitting commences.

The baby cardigan and little  deck shoes are for someone wifey knows who is having a baby and can't knit.

It's going to be a long winter.  How did the people long ago manage without the Internet, television or even electricity? 

Do you ever go out at night during Autumn/ Winter?


  1. Yes I do go out at night in Autumn and Winter as I am a ghoul. Please give Jean a French kiss from me to congratulate her on her excellent knitting.

  2. Lucky you YP. We rarely go anywhere at night in Autumn and Winter. I will pass on your knitting compliments.

  3. We drove to Manchester last night in the wind,rain and dark for our granddaughter’s 16 th birthday.It took about an hour and was a nightmare journey.Barbarax

  4. It sounds a nightmare Barbara. We don't travel much at night in winter and hotels are far too expensive in Cork City where famous bands play. We have seen several bands in Killarney like The Unthanks and Chris De Burgh.

  5. I prefer not to go out at night in the autumn/winter. Too cold, wet and miserable for me. Unfortunately, that's when our friends like to organise social stuff so I am a Nelly-No-Mates and stay at home instead.

  6. Still too hot for fires here but the end is nigh. We haven't got our first load of firewood yet but I've begun the knitting. Xmas stockings. Mrs Dave knits lovely garments. I imagine there will be a full wardrobe by the end of your winter

  7. You sound like me JayCee. I light the stove, pour a can of beer or a bottle of Newcastle Brown if I can get it and watch the telly and check the blogs and news and see how my football teams are doing that I follow. Dave few mates am I.

  8. Hi Linda. Being a tight wad smallholder I am making my own firewood at the moment. Old Cupboard doors today and wood off cuts. They want 5.49 in Lidl for a net bag of logs. There's about 9 logs in a bag. She knits mainly cardigans for new born babies.

  9. Such adorable little shoes and cardigan. I can't knit very well and not at all now with the arthritis in the thumbs. I did used to make matinee jackets with matching booties for newborns. I had a "feather and fan" pattern that I loved.

    1. Sorry to read about your arthritis in your thumbs River.

  10. When I've had stoves I always topped up the firewood (bought fresh cut by the ton but stored until dry) with what we termed Road Kill...branches blown off trees in storms! A public service no less!!
    Unless it's a whole tree, branches on the road or verge are fair game, you just don't go on someone else's land without permission and forage for wood

  11. Hi GZ. There's tons of joiners off cuts that go in skips and end up in landfill sites. I try to recycle what I can forage. Beach combing is a great source for free firewood and seaweed for the veg plot.


Planting More Seed Potatoes.

 I took fellow blog readers advice and purchased some more seed potatoes.   Not the cheap ones we bought in Lidl recently.  They had all bee...