At this time of year I find it a problem sourcing seeds. My German garden centre and food and beer providers seem to have put gardening stuff away for the winter.
Luckily my other cheap gardening supplier: The Range still continue selling gardening supplies like bulbs and seeds...
Now Fava or Broad Beans are the last thing to sow before winter.
I bought a packet of them for just 75 Cents and I sowed two fish boxes of them in the polytunnel today:
Broad Beans or Fava Beans originate in China and the Himalayas. They were probably brought to our shores thousands of years ago.
It will be good to see something growing through the winter. Beans are Legumes and the extract nitrogen from the air and release it through their root nodules. Instead of taking out goodness they add goodness to the soil. Like the banana, beans are full of potassium. Which is very good for your blood pressure and your heart.
Have you planted any Broad Beans yet?
I am always weeding my raised veg beds and I scattered to big buckets of leaves around my leeks. Hopefully they will suppress the weeds and feed the soil when they break down?
Any once else mulch with leaves? I also mulch with straw. With the leaves I am imitating the rich leaf blanket of the Autumn floor and feeding the worms, beneficial anaerobic bacteria and much needed plant food like carbon.
Newly mulched oil tank (repurposed) raised bed.