Friday 26 July 2024

Organic Lettuces For My Rabbits And A Slug Pub.

 The raised bed is an old mini digger track that I repurposed.

I bought the organic lettuce plants specifically for my rabbits to eat.  They are organic like we are.

The slug pub is a Chinese takeaway plastic tray filled with some cheap cherry cider.  All we need now is for the slugs and snails to have a last drink on us:

Do you have slug pubs in your veg plot?

Thursday 25 July 2024

Weeding In A T Shirt And In The Wars.

Anyone for nettle rash?

 I cut my finger slicing onions on Monday.  On Tuesday I scratched all my arms removing brambles and on Wednesday when it was rainining I weeded part of the polytunnel and got stung by stinging nettles.  I am use to pulling nettles with my hands but I don't like my arms getting stung.

I think it's time to wear long sleeves, welding gauntlets and leave the onion chopping to a reaponsible grown up.😃

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Plastic Bottle Cloche Cuttings Factory.

 Yep.  The diary of a plantaholic.

I was given a polythene bag full of plastic bottles by my brother to take to be recycled.  

Instead of getting 25 Cents a bottle from the Lidl recyling machine.  You put in your bottles and it prints out  yor bottles receipt and your refund is given at the checkout.

Me being a Womble I diverted them into my polytunnel friend: "Portugal" sometimes called "Algarve."

I have been digging out the compost and well rotted fym from my my heaps and filling builders cement buckets with the black and brown gold.  

Then I filled lots of plant pots and walked around Northsider Towers gardens taking shrubs and Cotoneaster cuttings.  

I dipped them in organic rooting powder, watered them and covered them with my plastic bottles cloches.  Which I had made by cutting the bottles in half.

I get about four cuttings to each plant pot.

I have up to thirty cloches at the moment.

Perhaps I am a plantaholic?  It's very contagious.  Any one else taking cuttings at the moment?

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Heavy Rock Impression Of A Birmingham Megastar.

 I found this video on good old You Tube today.  I think it's very good.  Let me know if you like it please?

Monday 22 July 2024

New Arrivals.

 Number one son came home with two sows one Saturday recently:

Last Monday morning we went to feed the other farrowing pigs and noticed these creatures:

Newly born piglets.

On Friday Star had a foal:

Who says nothing happens in the countryside?  

Sunday 21 July 2024

Freezer Bags Of Unyuns.

 I wanted some room to plant my new organic veg plants.  So we lifted a raised bed or two of onions and I topped and tailed them and the pigs got two buckets of onion stalks for their tea.

Then we peeled them and washed them and chopped them into four pieces and put them in the pull string vegetable dicer that we bought in you know where and ended up with twenty four bags of chopped onions.  That's 24 meal portions to be precise.

You just cook them from frozen.

Next harvest is the peas.  Do you freeze your onions?

Update.  Hand string pulled onion chopper:

You just peel them and chop them into 4 pieces and place them in the chopper, pull the string and it cuts your  full onions into centimetre sized pieces.  Just fill a freezer bag and you have enough for four people.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Shopping For Organic Vegetable Plants And Looking At Repurposed Pallets Furniture.

 J dropped me off near the square in Bantry on Friday and she carried on up the road to Lidl.

There is always a market every week and the big fair day is the first Friday of every month.

I had a saunter around the bric a brac and antiques and plant stalls and found a young lady selling organic veg plants. 

The flickers (slugs) in the polytunnel had ate my kale swedlings.  I bought four trays of kale, leeks, celery and lettuce.  She knocked off 2 Euros and gave me them for 18 Euros:

Box of veg plants.

I came home and began harvesting onions to make room for the new veg plants.

I also noticed someone selling repurposed pallet wood made into furniture.  What a great idea.  I love repurposing things on the veg plot don't I?

Don't they look good?

Organic Lettuces For My Rabbits And A Slug Pub.

 The raised bed is an old mini digger track that I repurposed. I bought the organic lettuce plants specifically for my rabbits to eat.  They...