We went to see Suzanne Vega on the Wednesday night (23 July) at the Stodola in Warsaw. I preferred the Progresja the night before when we watched Kansas. The Stodola had big bouncers (for a folk concert - please!), it was an all seater affair. I think the venue makes the concert don't you? When we watched the Kansas gig the night before. There were no seats and people took photographs and freely walked about to the bar, toilet and different parts of the venue.
The Suzanne Vega Stodola concert was over by nine O'clock and photographs were strictly forbidden. Not forgetting the pedantic punters who insisted we were sitting in their seat (was she called Goldilocks?) and we moved along the bus/seats and we had an even better viewer of Suzanne Vega in her Marlene Dietrich style collapsible top hat. It reminded my friend of one of his friends visiting a museum and taking some photographs and a chorus of German tourists told him:
"It is forbidden."
Any way Suzanne Vega I enjoyed your concert. Especially the old classics and the Horizon ("There is a road")off your new album and your drummer reminded me of a classic progressive rock musician. It was a bit different to last time I saw you when I was half drunk at Glastonbury in 1989. Sorry there is no photograph of Suzanne Vega:
"It is forbidden."
Next morning we got up at 3.30 AM and we had a breakfast of bananas and peaches and turned off the gas and water and set off on our epic adventure to Austria via Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria. We caught the 6.15 train to Vienna. This was a very long journey (nine hours) and we traveled through many miles of flat countryside. I was surprised that we only saw 3 cows grazing in the whole of Poland. We were accompanied in our compartment for the majority of the journey by an elderly Polish man who spoke to us in German and Polish. My friend told him I was an expert in malt whiskies and I attempted to tell him that Dalwhinnie is of course the best and his favourite Jamesons wasn't bad.
We crossed over the border into the Czech Republic and two soldiers asked for our passports. They smiled when they saw we had English passports and wished us a good journey.
We finally got into Vienna something passed two and negotiated the underground to our accommodation. I was knackered, blistered feet from wearing synthetic leather boots and just wanted a pint or two of Dunkel. My friend had other ideas. We dropped off our rucksacks and travelling bag and went on a sightseeing tour of Vienna. Here's some photographs:
Picture of the famous Danube river. |
Photo of a Dunkle beer tap. It was like drinking a really good pint of home brew. Not that I can make it like that. |
The famous Wiener Riesensad ferris wheel. Constructed in 1897. It's 200 feet high and it's at the entrance of the Prater amusement park. The wheel is featured in the films. 'The Third Man', Scorpio and the James Bond film The Living daylights'. |
How the othe half live. Private berths on the river Danube. Once again readers I am sorry for my silly digital camera displaying the wrong dates. I can assure you all photographs were taken this year.
Next time I will show my photographs of my day trip to Bratislava.