Monday 31 July 2017

Bitter Sweet Song.

I have developed a bit of a new hobby when I watch good old You Tube.  I type in concerts that I have been to in the past and sometimes there was somebody there who recorded it and put it on You Tube.  I will give you a few new and old examples over the next week.

Do you ever get songs stuck in your head playing along?  I had Roar by  Katie Perry playing in my head last week.  I think Psychologists must rewrite the songs or either that I just have the knack of remembering some really strange songs.

Any way.  For years I have had a song stuck in my head.  I first heard at a Christian musical festival called Greenbelt in about 1979  or 1983.   It was in the grounds of Knebworth House.  The same very place that  Led Zeppelin had played there not to forget Mr Charles Dickens often visited Knebworth House, but not for the rock god concerts.

So last month I was looking up this song that I remembered and guess what I found it.  It wasn't "Bitter sweet wine" like me myself and I thought it was: "Bitter sweet song. "

Here goes:

Have you ever found a song that you couldn't remember the title?  

Tuesday 25 July 2017

A Day Out To The Aran Isles.

We went to Inishmor the other week for the day.  This was an early start because the ferry leaves for the Aran Isles at ten sharp.  We paid our thirty Euros (each!) for the hour and a quarter sail to the largest island in the Aran Isles.  Also the wife wanted to know what the Aran knitting patterns mean.  Like you do!

The sail was a bit choppy in places and we were freezing when we arrived at the pier.  After being asked by countless mini cab drivers if we wanted to pay fifteen Euros to go on the tour of the island.  We found a Spar and queued up for coffee and breakfast rolls.  

My wife being like most women.  Soon found herself engaged in a conversation with an American lady.  It went something like the following:

American Lady:

What's that you are ordering?


A breakfast roll.

American Lady:

Whats in a breakfast roll?

The wife then explained the contents of the breakfast roll..  


A fed up donkey who didn't want to talk to me.  Perhaps he only spoke donkey Gaelic?
Some very brave tourists peering over the edge of the 300 foot cliffs.  I didn't look down!  

I did have a conversation with one of people who supervised the visitors.  I said there should be a fence put up.  He said:

"A few people have said the same".

There is no health and safety in Ireland.  Or very little.  It is a beautiful place to visit though.

Monday 24 July 2017

Been A Long Time Since I Rock And Rolled Or Even Blogged For that Matter!

Well, well, well, my Michelle!  Yes its May since I last posted anything on the old Tweb and Tinternet gizmo, thingamajig..  I hope you're all well and I look forward to reading your blogs and comments.  So what have you been up to?  

We have been restoring the farmhouse (square pegs don't go into round holes, dial a nightmare..) and we spent some days in Kerry and visited the Aran Isles and I did go on a Ryan Air plane to Frankfurt Hahn and went to a rock festival in my fifties.  That's one off my bucket list for sure.

Our dream home in the Sun never came off.  The vendors wanted us to pay for electricity to be connected.  So after a month of negotiations (3 different prices in a day!) we decided to pull out and paid the solicitor 1500 Euros for very little really!  Any way we have spent the money doing up the old farmhouse now.  So we will have to think again.  Its still a dream though.  

Here's a German band called Eyevory from the festival at Night Of The Prog 2017. To quote Max Boyce:

"I know, I was there."

They reminded me of a female led Jethro Tull type of band.  I hope you enjoy them.  Thanks to the people who post these excellent videos on You Tube.

A Parkside Tools Advert Perhaps?

 If you are a tight wad like me you might purchase your gardening tools from one of the German discount stores middle aisles "Special B...