Monday, 11 February 2013

No Fleetwood Mac Concert For Me! Another day on the ranch (Smallholding) shucks!

I had a look on Ticketmaster on Wednesday for any upcoming concerts in Ireland.  I was amazed, and you could have knocked me down with a proverbial feather.  None other than FLEETWOOD flipping MAC are touring Europe (not West Cork though)  and are going to play Dublin in September.  So I dilled and dallied and guess what?  They've only gone and sold out!

I didn't want to go anyway.  I can't stand the big arenas, bouncers, plastic beer and 12000 screaming fans ("Yeah right!")  Fans who scream before you have seen them.  I mean you wouldn't scream if Britney Spears dropped her...hmm.., handkerchief, would you?  Well I probably would if she ever came to play some little pub here in West Cork.  Did I tell you about the price of the tickets?

"Cor blimey and all that.  "When I was a lad you could go to see Fleetwood Mac, ride home on a bus (we don't have any) get some fish and chips, have four pints of pond water (arena lager) and you still had 20 cents left out of 500 Euros."

Any road I am not putting the Fleetwood Mac date in my diary.  Not that I have one of course.

Oh yeah.  10CC are also touring the UK but not Ireland.


  1. The last concert I went to was


    Well they're Irish

  2. Yeah John, I have seen them myself in Blackpool. Bernie was absolutely incredible. She sang Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'. I think 'I'm In The Mood For Dancing' is an all time classic.

    Thanks for your comment John.

  3. Yeah John, I have seen them myself in Blackpool. Bernie was absolutely incredible. She sang Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'. I think 'I'm In The Mood For Dancing' is an all time classic.

    Thanks for your comment John.

  4. Would have loved to hear Albatross live.

  5. Yeah Albatross is excellent isn't it Cumbrian? The ticket prices are unbelievably dear. They are legends though.


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