Tuesday 24 February 2015

Shouldn't You Two Be Ratting?

Came into Northsider Towers this morning from out of the rain.  Guess who I found having forty winks on number 2 son's bed?  Only Domino the cat and Fido the terrier.  I think they have taken over.  


  1. They certainly have got sense Anne.

    I once went down our fields overlooking the bay. It was a very wet morning. I eventually found the cattle chewing their cud and sheltering under some trees. They were dry and I was stood there like a drowned rat.

  2. I am glad you like it CT. The terrier never bothered ("am I bothered") when we got Domino when he was a kitten. I posted a picture on here once of them both eating of the same dish. Domino is a very good mouser and sometimes even pied wagtails, sadly. Fido use to be a good ratter like her father was. She's old now (13) but she still jumps about if I make rat hissing noises. Hope your canine pals are fine! Thanks!

  3. Lovely photo Dave. Great to see a terrier and a cat laying on the bed together like that. And the darkness with light on the blue cover and the two light coloured animals makes a great photograph. I am going to watch some football tonight, Manchester City v Barcelona I think, for a good game and a bit of well earned relaxation!

    1. Thanks Rachel. The cat and the terrier seem to get on fine. Suarez is brilliant isn't he? See United played the Arsenal on a Monday night. I think it could go either way. It should of been the final. Thanks!

    2. Arsenal v Monaco tonight. I am hoping for a relaxing evening!

    3. I watched the match and the Brit Awards, constant remote control flicking. Monaco look good on the break. Great Arsenal goal. Saw Madonna (nearly wrote Maradona) stumble and carry on. Sheer class. The Brits proved to me I am getting old. I only like Royal Blood, Madonna and Royal Blood. Will the Gunners turn it around?

  4. Best place to be on a cold and wet (well it is here) day

    1. It's been rough here Twiggy. I never get use to the gales. We seen to be getting every season in a day, even hour at the moment. The days are stretching and we might get another good Summer, like last year. Thanks!

  5. Ha ha Fido has that guilty defiant look, as if to say, I am on the bed and I am staying on the bed. LOL

  6. Yes that's Fido, Sol. She's normally lay on the tiles over the hot water pipes from the range in the kitchen. They are not daft unlike us humans. Only ducks and fish would like the weather today.

  7. A nice picture, I sometimes think animals have more sense than some people.

    1. Yes Cumbrian. They are not silly enough to farm a smallholding. Especially when it's raining and blowing a gale!


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