Sunday, 31 May 2015

"Well I'll Go To The Foot Of Our (Tractor) Stairs!"

I love idioms especially English and Irish one's.   Any road.  That's another one.  I found out on Friday there is a fungus like bacteria that lives in diesel engines.  It's called Diesel Bug.  It's great at disguising itself and clogging up diesel engines, especially tractors and boats.  It's said to live in water and does a great job at ceasing engines and making them difficult to start.  

A diesel injector fixer informed us that there is a product on the market that kills the diesel bug.  You empty your diesel tank and fill it with clean diesel then add a bottle of the magic stuff and it sets to work killing the diesel bug.

 I have been growing vegetables over twenty years and every year there is some crop that fails or gets attacked by something, be it slugs, aphids or blight.  I read somewhere recently that the rust that attacks leeks is the same rust that attacks metal.

When we went to the Algarve in April. We noticed how so many of the older cars still looked like new with no rust.  They still get covered by the Atlantic salt rain.  But they don't rust like cars do in the British Isles.  Perhaps it's the heat that keeps the rust away?

It's a typical mixed bank holiday weekend here in Ireland.  My potatoes are flowering so I might get my shovel and have a look for some hidden buried treasure today.



  1. dry dry heat in the summer? and maybe the heat comes up from Africa.... talking about the no rust in Portugal

  2. Yes Sol the dry heat must prevent the rust. They get 280 days of sunshine in Portugal. My dream is to live there one day. Horrible wet Irish bank holiday today. Thanks for your comment Sol.

  3. Diesel bug sounds like the polyestermite that attacks fibreglass boats.

  4. Barnacles can bore holes in fibreglass boats too Cumbrian. Scientists have found dry and damp rot spores miles up in space. There seems to be living organisms that attack most things. One bad apple spoils the barrel. Polyestermite is a new one on me.

    Wet and windy and blowing a gale here. Supposed to be an heat wave in England later this week! Thanks for your thoughts Cumbrian.

  5. Heatwave? I'll believe that when it happens!

  6. Heatwave? I'll believe that when it happens!

  7. Heatwave? I'll believe that when it happens!

  8. That's what the weather men say. Seeing is believing!

  9. I think the salt they grit the roads with has something to do with it as well.

  10. Yes it must be a factor Kev. I think we get also get more than enough rain.


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