Monday 26 October 2015

New Arrivals On Our Irish Smallholding.

"It's my bed not yours."  
These two bundles of joy arrived on our farm last week.  The wife and number 2 son brought home the Border Collie and Number 1 son brought home the Jack Russell (Parson Terrier) one night.  

We talked about getting another ratter because our terrier is getting old and we didn't want a big void when she goes to doggy Heaven.  Fido will also be to train them up.  We have called them Bell and Scamp.  Don't think the terrier pup will need training up.  She's a right nowty so and so.  

This will mean another two dog licences (twenty Euros each) to buy.  I might do my Monty Python impersonation and go the post office and enquire about a licence for Domino our cat:

"I'd like a licence for my cat please."


  1. oh my gosh, puppies are the best!!! soooo cute... That litte bitty one you could just put in your pocket and take anywhere lol. My best friend has a rat terrier and he is just a mess, Mr Jingles is his name LOL... I wouldn't mind one of those terriers. :O) Your border collie has a sweet sweet face. You know its thinking, good grief this little fella will be the end of me. Always getting me in trouble LOL

    1. Never heard of a rat terrier Texan. Sounds like the perfect canine help around the smallholding. They will hopefully both workers. The terrier for the rats and the collie for a cattle dog. They are characters.

  2. What a couple of cuties, they are lovely. Don't even think about asking for a cat licence Dave, it might give them ideas, cats are about the only thing left that Ireland has not taxed!

    1. Hi Anne. They will probably invent a fresh air tax soon. Thanks!

  3. Oh My Goodness, what darling bundles of mischief !
    Especial one of them.
    I just lost my 17 (almost 18) year old Brindled Scotty. I miss him so much.

    cheers, parsnip

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Hello AP. It's like a bereavement when they pass away. I hope you get yourself another canine friend. Thanks!

  4. Small...but with the heart of little lions!

    1. If a Jack Russel was an Alsatian we would be worried. They are like pocket battleships John.

  5. Cute little dogs Dave. They look great. I am sure sons 1 and 2 will do all the hard work with them and you and wife will enjoy it all. Great

    1. More mouths to feed and they are very tying like the rest of the farm animals. But they are worth it though Rachel. Thanks!

  6. oh wow! they are soooo cute! lucky thing! :)

    1. Aren't they just MEOP with their puppy dog eyes. Thanks!

  7. What fun you will have with those two little ones :-)

    1. I thinks so Dawn. They are very loyal and great characters.

  8. Both are gorgeous and will bring you lots of joy no doubt! Great that they'll both have their jobs to do while being the best of friends. We have a ten month old Jack Russell and he's a brilliant character and keeps us on our toes! We're looking at getting a border collie pup next year, hope that they'll get on well :-)

    1. We hope they will get on 2Torts. The other terrier gets on with the cat. Thanks!

  9. The Parson Terrier is one of my favourites; lovely spirited little dogs. And the Border Collie is another; you have the perfect pair.

    1. You have got good taste Cro. I have always wanted a red setter.

  10. They both look so adorable, I hope they soon settle into your family

    1. Thanks BG. Hopefully they won't wreck the house. They soon get bored and are made for work. Thanks!

  11. Oh these two delightful little beings should lighten the dark winter days ahead for you and your family....

  12. Hi Vera. They are delightful. Hopefully they will keep the rats and mice away from the smallholding. Thanks!

  13. Aww, they're so sweet. I've got 2 J Rs and there's never a dull moment.:-)

  14. Thanks Deb. The Jack Russell's are characters aren't they. I only need to make an hissing sound and shout: "rats". Our old lady terrier springs into action and goes looking for them.

  15. I'm newly the owner of my first ever dog licence - there's nothing like it to make you feel respectable. Have fun throwing balls!

  16. Hi Mise. We will have to pay for 3 dog licences this year. So that will be sixty Euros to find. Thanks!

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