Sunday 27 December 2015

More Old Things For The Collection.

I think one day our little smallholding in West Cork will appear on that television series: Hoarders.  You know the one were you have to climb over a speed boat won on Bulls Eye, a Raleigh Chopper bicycle, a Bachelors LP, two boxes of Caramac and a myriad of different household items from way back when.  Yes we have been collecting again.  

We got these framed prints the other week.  They are illustrations taken from long defunct magazines like the: The Queen. The LADY'S NEWSPAPER AND COURT CHRONICLE____March 1st 1873.  

There is an even older one: The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine October 1861.  They remind me of Jane Austen and Bronte novels.  I think women dressed so stylish in those days.   They still do but not in the same volume of  way back then.  I sometimes think my wife and me lived in another age with horses and carts, copper kettles and roaring fires, stone flagged pubs with copper topped tables and frothing pints served in tankards.

If you could go back in time.  When would you have liked to have lived?  I would have like to have been in a Thomas Hardy  novel set in Wessex or a walled kitchen gardener in somewhere like Heligan in Cornwall.



  1. Love the pictures. Now I want to see them on the wall!

    reincarnation? Apparently I should have been alive in the 1940s but I think I would have been very bad with nerves, in the war.

    1. Not much wall space left Sol.

      I would have liked to of seen the Dig For Victory gardens in Britain. Wouldn't like to have had to fight for my country. Suppose I am too old now and would be involved with the Home Guard. Think I would be the spiv character in Dad's Army:

      "Psst wanna buy a watch?"


  2. I have always wished I could stand in one spot and rewind time to see what happened there through the course of history. I have a few of these type of magazines that were made into a yearly book, they're fascinating.

    1. Hi Kirsty.

      I would have liked to been a fly on the ceiling in all the course of history. I could have played football with Dixie Dean. Thanks!

  3. I would like to go back to the war years, make do and mend, managing on rations I find it fascinating also the community spirit around then something that is very lacking these days :-)

    1. Hi Dawn. Yes community spirit and make do and mend would be great to see. People seem to communicate less and less with their neighbours these days.

  4. i'd have loved to be either a pioneer on the Oregon Trail or a lady socialite in the late 1800's those dresses were fabulous!

    1. Hi MEOD. I know which pioneer ladies of the Oregon Trail you mean. I love watching old films to see how smart people dressed. Thanks!

  5. I think I would liked to have lived from 1750 to the Victorian era, on a farm.
    Don't forget Dave that had you been a gardener at Heligan you would have been called up for the 1914-18 war which is why the gardens were lost, the gardeners gave their lives fighting for their country.

  6. 1750 to the Victorian era, would be a good time to live on a farm Anne.

    I saw the poignant writing on the walls of the gardeners bothy when I last visited Heligan seventeen years a go. I love walled kitchen gardens. Would like to visit again some time.

  7. That's a great question in your final paragraph. I think I'd have liked to live in Munich when Hitler was raising hell in bierkellers. I'd like to try and figure out what this magnetism was that everyone from that time who saw him says he had. The devil incarnate or what?

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