Saturday 5 March 2016

A Run Around For The Smallholding Young and Old Ratters.

The weather is slowly improving and I actuall mowed the lawns the other day.  The new pups also had a run around in one of the fields near the farm houses.  

 Scamp the Jack Russell terrier and Bell the Border Collie.  They are both lady dogs but they seem to get on fine living together.  Notice the cursed rushes appearing in the pasture.  You never seem to eradicate them.  Thinking of paying a man to wipe them with the weed-licker on the back of the quad bike.  Don't like using weedkillers but topping and strimming doesn't work.

Time for a lie down and climb over number two son.  Notice the lawns been mowed.  

Did I tell you I managed to mow the lawns? I set the mower on it's top settings and didn't bother boxing off.  This week I will lower the settings another couple of notches.

Fido my old Jack Russell.  She's fourteen years old and one of my best friends.  That's why we got the pups so that we won't be devastated too much when she goes to doggy heaven.  

Domino curled up in my tweed hat.  The natives are taking over the smallholding.


  1. Spring is finally on the way.

    The dogs know. The grass knows. And I'm sure weeds know ;)

  2. Spring is finally on the way.

    The dogs know. The grass knows. And I'm sure weeds know ;)

    1. Yes Gwil old mother nature is very busy at moment painting the flowers and swelling the land with livestock. Is it warm in Vienna yet? It was when I visited it in July two years a go!

    2. In July it would be hot. In fact it can get unbearably hot in the city. People like to escape to the Neusiedlersee on the Hngarian border.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Cumbrian. The Border Collie comes to the whistle already and the terrier is already putting up for the boss and can look after herself. If a Jack Russell was the size of an Alsation we would worry. Pocket battleship comes to mind. Great characters.

  4. I was looking at the grass in the paddocks its got some new growth a sure sign that spring is just around the corner

    1. Yes the grass is growing and the lambs and cattle are appearing in the fields Dawn. Only a few weeks and the clocks change to Summer time.

  5. Great photos Dave. The boy on the path, the dog on Her own, and Domino in particular. I always introduce young blood with my cats for the same reason you did with the puppy dogs. My brother came over and cut my grass this week and weeded a horde. He said it will not need cutting again for four weeks.

    1. Hi Rachel. I think it's like a loss in the family when one of our four legged friends dies. It certainly softens the blow if you have already replaced them. Sounds like you have a great brother helper.

    2. Since we gave up the farm he does hedging and grass cutting and loves it. He fits my grass in when he can which suits me and him. He said he has now given all his customers one grass cut so far this year.

    3. Suppose he gave up the farm but not in his mind. Your brother sounds a great help and keeps himself busy Rachel.

  6. Beautiful pup, and hopefully Spring is here now to stay

    1. Thanks BG. Yes we could all do with some (lots) of sunshine and a great Spring and Summer.

  7. Great photos of your new pups Dave and Fido too. Our old gals are getting on a bit too, they're both thirteen this year. I think they should ban old age! :-)

    1. Thanks Deb. I agree with banning old age. Time waits for no man or cat or dog!


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