Monday, 27 June 2016

Another Carboot Sale Bargain.

Sorry I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks.  I got myself another bargain the other Sunday morning.  It's an oil painting about eight inches by eight inches.  I paid the princely sum of two Euros for it.  To those of you who were good at metalwark at school.  You will know it's the 'Gleaner's" painted by Jean-Francois Millet.

Apparently even today peasants in France have the right to glean the fields for Corn...  I love the colourful dresses and I think rural life should always be celebrated no matter how hard and difficult it was.

I couldn't believe the Brexit result.  Yes we all know the EEC is far from perfect.  But what power will the UK have now she no longer will have any say?  But there is however talk that the British Parliament can vote it out and the Queen can have the final say.  Suppose if all else fails.  British businesses and citizens can always move over here to their near neighbour Ireland and live in an EEC country?

What did you think of Glastonbury on the BBC?  Give me ELO any day than the modern stuff!  


  1. We enjoyed ELO. Not much stood out for me but perhaps I just didn't see so much as I usually do. That painting is one of my favourites of all time, from childhood when it was in an old book we had at home I used to stare at it and make stories up about their clothes. Funny, you mentioned the dresses too. We still glean around here, for potatoes and onions and carrots, as soon as the harvesters have moved on to the next field. Good to see you blogging here again.

    1. Thanks Rachel. My wife tells me she made a tapestry of the same picture many moons a go. It's good to see paintings that depict rural life. The Irish countryside seems empty of farm workers these days apart from silage making and spreading slurry with enormous noisy agricultural machinery.

  2. I thought we could glean here as well? Hope you are well Dave. We are in for interesting times.

    1. Hi Sol. I think it's going to be a roller coaster ride and nobody knows where or what destination we are heading.

  3. Replies
    1. Not bad for two euros John and a subject for a blog too. Thanks!

  4. We couldn't believe the result, and so many people saying they didn't understand the consequences of leaving.

    1. The result left us very disappointed Anne. I think it's going to be a very expensive mistake leaving the EEC and Britain could be out in the cold on it's own. Thanks!

  5. Also we are very annoyed that as British Passport holders we had no say, does this now mean we are stateless people?

    1. I think a lot of people feel disenfranchised and the main political parties will be divided down the middle. I just hope that existing EEC citizens keep their rights that they have had for the last forty years.

  6. As another stateless British passport holder with no say I shall remain calm and carry on. I shall leave it to the House of Lords to refuse to approve the whole sorry business. Britain needs a leader. Someone with foresight and vision who can unite a disunited country. Is there anybody like that about?

    1. I mean "refuse or approve"

    2. I think you are right Gwil. Parliament will refuse to approve Brexit and they will have to play a game of semantics and remain in Europe in all but name. Hilary Benn would be my choice of leader. Thanks!

  7. Well, the folk on the other island certainly know how to shoot themselves the foot big time.
    Never in my wildest of dreams would I ever have believed it possible to orchestrate such a home grown piece of audacious buffoonery and then get the numbskulls to vote for their own downfall.
    It is beyond belief that so many adults could ever be so stupid !
    I am absolutely astounded.

  8. Totally agree with you Heron. The mind boggles.

  9. I love that painting too, and would have similar here. As for the referendum,..... I totally agree with Heron's View above.

    1. Yes Vera that painting would be very apt for the walls of your smallholding in France.


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