Saturday, 5 August 2017

A Murmuration Of Starlings.

There are over seventy four or seventy five Starlings perched on this electricity overhead cable the other day.  I think Starlings are one of the few creatures that can make the pylons attractive.  I always wonder about the spatial proximity between the birds and do they believe in the old saying: there is safety in numbers?


  1. I just love the names that are used for animals and birds. A murmuration of starlings, a shrewdness of apes, a clowder of cats, a clattering of jackdaws. Very descriptive.

    Your starlings are very evenly spaced. By family? Who knows. Interesting

    1. I LA. I would love to know who these wordsmiths are who come up with the collective terms for animals and bird gatherings. Thanks!

  2. The starlings look good like this, not so keen on them perched on the top of the house though as they always are.

    We also have 100s of crows here which we watch in the trees chattering. They chatter in one lot of trees, then they all move to another lot nearby (this is early evening time) then they go quiet when I suppose they settle for the night. Strange because it is like they go to bed.

    1. Hi Rachel. Wood pigeons and rooks annoy me the most. I always think of that Hitchcock film: The Birds, when I see lots of them together.

      We have swallows and house martins nesting in the cow shed. They come back every year. Incredibly they fly to South Africa following the insects and fly back to our smallholding in Ireland. Thanks!

  3. Hello!! I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited.Thank you.

  4. Murmuration refers to the phenomenon that results when hundreds, sometimes thousands, of starlings fly in swooping, intricately coordinated ...


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