Friday, 12 April 2013

What if the Famous had Allotments? (A E book for the price of a posh newspaper).

Product Details

What if the Famous Had Allotments? A Quirky Guide to Vegetable Growers of Fame and Fantasy. by Dave Dealy, Susan King, Des Dillon and Harvey Mayson (10 Apr 2013)

Well we got there.  Today I would like to announce the launch of my new Ebook: '"What if the Famous had Allotments?'  Susan King (Frugaldom blog) at NYK Media helped and guided me to publishing my first Ebook on Kindle.  We have deliberately made it available at a very reasonable price so any body can afford it.  

Yeah I know you don't have a Kindle - no problem!  You can download a free kindle app from Amazon and you can get books in a second (a minute anyway) rather than having to go to the bookshop or order a copy.  I usually have to wait 10 days for a book to arrive from dear old Blighty.  Oh yeah.  There are also quite a lot of FREE books on Kindle.  

So what's it all about (Alfie)?  I am a published smallholding humour writer (Archie Sparrows Book of useful Tips to Beat the Recession ...with Baling String) and I have had a monologue broadcast on BBC radio Lancashire and countless poems and short stories published in provincial newspapers and regional anthologies..   I also blog a bit.  Well you have to don't you?  

Any road.  I did pen the above manuscript about famous allotment tenants.  I wanted to write an A-Z amusing book about allotments and their owners.  There are lots of books (deadly serious I might add) about allotments) I wanted to write a funny book about them.   Allotments fascinate me.  They really are living paintings.  We the allotment gardeners (and smallholders) are the artists, mother nature is the easel and we paint with our shovels and forks.    Not forgetting the 'Allotment castle' : the shed.  

Have any of you written a book or writing one?  Have you got an E book or a 'paper' book  on Amazon or some where?  Please tell us all about it.   

Any way thanks to everybody who helped me with the book.  


  1. This evning
    When I settled down I will go and buy it!
    Well done

  2. Thanks a lot John. Hope all you other writers in Internetland follow suit and get their manuscripts published. I am sure a lot of followers would read your book/books John.

  3. I have written a book, but haven't yet plucked up the courage to publish.

  4. Dave, congratulations and good luck with the book. I am in awe that you have done it! Cheers

  5. Hi John, best advice I could give is get it professionally proof read and get a good editor. Go for it John.

  6. Hi Carole, Thanks. Hope your writing is going well.

    Thanks again!


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