Sunday, 5 January 2014

A Scary Seaside Drive To look At A Tractor. ( A break from our smallholding next to the sea.)

We went to Galley Head in West Cork on Friday to have a look at another tractor.  Number one son said he knew where there was an old tractor for sale.  He was spending his own money and I wanted a break from looking at the sea from our kitchen window.  So we went for a drive to the sea side.  Like you do!

The coastal road was like the Grand National at Blackpool Pleasure beach.  It was blowing a gale and the white horses were quite mountainous.  Never in my life have I ever seen such a sight.  We could see why they built a light house there.  If only we could harness all that wind and wave power?

Any road.  We followed our tractor mechanic friends car to a house perched high on the cliffs.  We were in the middle of a gale and several Frisian bullocks huddled together in a Kale field.  They looked like die hard none league football fans.  I felt sorry for the cattle.

Eventually after a very precarious and long and meandering journey along a single track road.  We arrived at the house and noticed the tractor parked  in the drive.  I wasn't coming back to look at it.  So me and number one son pushed the car doors open and attempted to walk to the tractor.  It was blowing a gale and icy sleet smacked against my face.  Tractor mechanic got out of his car and began to turn the key and turn the engine.  Guess what?  Yes she started first time with no pre-heat.  You can't beat a Ford tractor!  Number one son bought her and she's being delivered this week.  Yet another restoration project for us both!


  1. Yes, I think mountainous just about describes some of the seas we've experienced this week, the Solway Firth is noted for its strong tides and rough waves, it's a funnel shape with open end to the SW, catching the Atlantic storms.

    Been quite scary this week with a bit of flooding at Workington and some rail track under-mined at Flimby, it follows the shore there; they'll need to do some repair work to fill in under the sleepers, some of them hanging over air.

    Surprisingly enough though, the river is still in its banks, it's looked very brown and threatening, almost lapping over the edge, but hasn't actually flooded anywhere.

    Another tractor, another project, sure it's not the engines that wear out on these things, anything that starts without heater pots after standing in this weather must be worth buying. Fordson 3000?

    Keeps blowy today, but not as strong and only showers.

    Raggy cat developing a sleeping pattern that's lasting all day, only wakes up for milk and biccies, idle little sod.

  2. Number one son managed to connect his laptop to his phone for wireless broadband. Our television, satellite reciever and broadband router copped for it last night via lightning through the telephone line. The lightning also struck two of my neighbours houses at 3 in the morning. Massive big flash of lightning and an enormous sound. It was like a bomb going off. Nobody hurt that's the main thing.

    Yes it was a Ford tractor.

    Hope you are OK?



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