Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Smallholding Nostalgia.

Picture of a jigsaw puzzle box.

We found this rural picture on a jigsaw box in the attic the other day.  It's a painting of a hay making scene.  Think the tractor is a Ford-son Major.  We have a Ford-son Super Dexta.  She's very close to full restoration.  Will post pictures of her soon.  The Ford-sons and Fords were made in Dagenham.  They also use to manufacture them in Cork.  Not any more, sadly!

I reckon Health and Safety would have something to say if smallholders made hay in the same way.  Wonder what the lad has got in the stone jar?  Cider, real ale or perhaps even Adam's Ale - water?  Love the Border Collie (sheep dog) in the painting.  They are such an intelligent creature.  The one in the picture looks like its supervising the hay making or perhaps looking for rats or rabbits?  Do you remember Timmy the dog in Enid Blyton's Famous Five books?

Those days are gone for ever, sadly.  I bet it was nothing but sweat and toil.  But doesn't it look so wonderful?  Rather like a graceful swan going across a lake.  So graceful and sedate, above the water and feet paddling like mad, under the water.  Do you get nostalgic about old tractors and rural scenes from the past? Think I need to visit some vintage tractor shows.

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