Friday, 26 December 2014

Christmas Eve And A Peaceful Christmas Day On The Smallholding.

Christmas Eve was a beautiful dry day.  So we drove over to Durrus to put the wreaths on the graves.  It never gets any easier and it's nearly three years since my mum died and two years tomorrow for my dad.  Christmas will never be the same again and it's an awful thought that we will never see our parents again.

Whilst I was in a contemplative thought, stood at the grave side.  A scruffy looking terrier stood on top of the churchyard wall and gave us right thorough telling off:  He or she made me smile and I thought that my dad would have gone over to the dog and told it what to do or even try to stroke it.

We drove back to our little farm and a kind neighbour had dropped off eight cans of Newcastle Brown for a Christmas present.  What a lovely kind gesture.

Christmas day was a typical get up, get dressed and see to the livestock.  I gave them extra portions because it was Christmas day.  Then I (me. myself and I) made the Chilli Con Carne and helped set the table for a 'help yourself' buffet.  Then we watched the television for the rest of the day.  Rock and pop music programmes, 'Escape  To the Country' (wonder what that's about?), Sky News telling us about the Christmas Day truce in the trenches and that the tale of the soldiers having a foot ball match in 'No man's' land is probably a legend.   Who are they kidding?  Did you see that Germany spent 1 million quid for their 'training' camp in Brazil?  No the Germans would have built their own 'Vembley' in the trenches, no problem!  Then it was American and English car restoration programmes for the rest of the day.  Not my idea of entertainment, but it keeps the lads quiet.

We watched Miranda and it was brilliant.  I laughed out loud when she went to the door and exposed herself to Stevie.  Plus it ended with some good old 'tear jerking' pathos - brilliant telly.

I quickly turned over before 'Call The Midwife' started and we watched ancient 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' for the rest of the night.

It was a lovely peaceful day on the smallholding.  We didn't see a soul.  Glad it's over and I am going to watch the Footity ball this afternoon.  Come on United!


  1. We had a peaceful day too- made a nice change and now I am determined to avoid mad Christmases in the future! :o)

  2. Hi CT. Yes it's good to enjoy the peace for at least a day. This post got 300 views yesterday and your the first to leave a comment. Sometimes I think I write too much hand on heart. But that's me. Hope you have a great 2015 and I look forward to reading Countryside Tales. Thanks!

  3. Glad you had a nice peaceful day, we chilled out on the beach, bliss.

  4. Yes it was a nice and peaceful day, Chickpea. Glad its over and we can do some walking here on the Sheeps Head Peninsula. Your beach trip sounds wonderful. Is Cornwall still open in Winter?

  5. Sounds a nice day Dave, did you enjoy your Mexican themed dinner? we forgot the chipolatas as usual :) I always miss my Dad at Christmas but am thankful for my lovely Mum and inlaws being able to spend Christmas with us. We love Miranda too - such fun !!! I do wish Gary would stop dithering.
    Enjoy the rest of the festive season.

  6. PS we had a load of snow yesterday, very exciting !!!

    1. We don't want no snow. In 2010 we couldn't get to town for a week and I was breaking ice for the cattle to drink and all our pipes were frozen. How do the salt gritter people get to work?

  7. Yes it was OK Twiggy. Christmas doesn't get any easier when your loved ones have departed, does it? You look like you all had a great time.

    Miranda is so intelligent and yet so daft. The female Frank Spencer. I love it when she starts prancing about. I think Gary will be all right on the night on New Years Eve. Such fun! Thanks!

  8. Christmas can be tough to get through, I hope you managed ok and had happy thoughts of your parents.

    1. Hi Bedford Gypsy. Yes it was OK. Very quiet yet peaceful. Hope you had a good Christmas - thanks!

  9. We had a jolly fab day spent with those who's company we enjoy. No telly but food, drink, crackers and muchly laughter.
    Your parents will always be with you with the telling Dave. We will all live on if someone remembers us and tells the story and the memories. Pass it on, pass it down!

    1. Sounds like you had a great day, Irene. You are right. We live on in our children and grandchildren and in memories. Life is too short for holding grudges. Thanks!

  10. Same also to you John. Hope you have a great 2015.

  11. South-East of France, away from all the mayhem that Christmas seems to have become in UK.

    Very quiet, only saw two people, on my morning walk out, another English couple also escaping the madness; they were opening the bubbly on the patio (Yes it was warm enough) and I was invited to sample a glass, very nice too.

    1. Hi Cumbrian. Thanks for telling us about your Christmas in the South East of France. I have been up to Kerry and wasn't able to reply until now. Hope you had an enjoyable New Year.

  12. Happy New Year Dave and Family x

    1. Same to you Sol. Will catch up with your blog and the others I follow over the next 24 hours. Thanks!

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