Friday, 15 January 2016

One Of My Favourite Albums Of All Time.

Regular readers will know I love rock music.  Especially sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties heavy rock.  So for an occasional distraction from writing about the smallholding I will feature a few of my favourites tracks from time to time.

Are you still with me?  Thanks!  Today I would like to talk about Emerson Lake and Palmer and their canonical LP:  Brain Salad Surgery.  The title track is Jerusalem.  This is their version of the famous hymn composed and written by Parry and William Blake.  If ever there was a visionary it was William Blake.  Modern day historians dispute that Jesus never actually walked on England's green and pleasant land.  I find this sad.

The song is about Jesus and his uncle  Joseph of Arimathea coming to England and making a new Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land.  It's a classic hymn and I think it should be the national anthem.  I chose this hymn for one of my father's funeral hymns here in Ireland.  It was rather surreal hearing it played in an Irish Anglican church.

Back to ELP.  I managed to get to see them at Manchester Apollo in about 1992.  For me they are probably up there in the top three best English rock bands of all time.  I will never forget Keith Emerson attacking his Hammond organ with a knife while playing it at the same time.

Enjoy the track.


  1. Thanks. Interesting.......normally associate this piece with the last night of the Proms! Looking forward to listening to more of your fav songs.....

  2. Thanks Vera. Like yourself I love music, especially progressive rock music. Emerson Lake and Palmer are/were really talented musicians and the brought a lot of their versions of classic music to modern audiences. I feel really privileged to have seen them live. Do you get much live music in France Vera?

  3. Joseph Arimathea is reputed to have sailed to England with 500 companions including Jesus. Thinking about it, there weren't many other options for Jesus to flee to a place safely outside the Roman Empire in those days. Joseph was a rich man with many ships and contacts in the right quarters. Wm. Blake's scenario is perfectly feasible. Much more likely than some other theories I'd have to say.

    1. Hi Gwil. Didn't know Jesus sailed to England with 500 companions. It does sound very feasible. I love Blake. One of the greatest visionaries.

      Interestingly when I visted Vienna (where you live) I learned of the battle of Vienna. The fleeing Turks left cymbals and coffee behind in their campsites. This is said to be how they became use in European orchestra's/churches and culture. All fascinating stuff! Thanks.

  4. I have a plastic single somewhere of Brain Salad Surgery that came free with either NME or Melody Maker in the very distant past.

    1. It's probably worth something to a rock collector Chickpea. I remember The New Music Express and Sounds. What's your most favourite gig you attended?

    2. Oh that's such a hard question! P.I.L because I'm an old punk, Radiohead even though Thom was a being a bit of a dick, Pixies for the passion of the fans, Sigur Ros at the Eden Project perfect setting for their music, Eminem in Abu Dhabi for the experience.

    3. Gosh what great gig venues Chickpea! I saw the Pixies at Glastonbury in 1989. All About Eve were also playing that day. I have always wanted to visit the Eden Project. Heligan is one of my favourite gardens .

  5. I liked Trilogy. I was a great fan of ELP. Amazing band. I just listened to Jerusalem and it was fantastic. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Yes Trilogy was very good Rachel. ELP were such a talented band. I am glad you enjoyed Jerusalem again Rachel. Thanks!

  7. this was the hymn at 2 of the funerals last week. Everyone knows the words. I fear that in years to come many children will not know any hymns.

    When I am particularily stressed or having a hard time, I have been known to hum or softly sing hymns. I didnt know I did it for a long time till my ex-boss pointed it out.

    I like a bit of folk music or country. but I am quite happy with any music really.

  8. Yes it;s a wonderful hymn Sol. Thin you are right about that children will not know any hymns.

    It's mainly rock music that I listen to but I don't mind folk music.


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