Sunday, 17 July 2016

A Smallholding Gurning Machine Perhaps? Farm Curiosity Corner Part 2.

We came across this amazing piece of  farm apparatus the other week.  It was lying around a farm yard with a myriad of other farming equipment.

It's obviously got two uses.  

Our old mate Plato once wrote:  "..Let us begin and create in idea a State; and yet a true creator is necessity, which is the mother of our invention.  

The Republic, Book 11, 369C  Plato.

Any way we brought it home and we will give it a new life on our smallholding in Ireland.  Do you know what it's two uses are?  


  1. It looks like a crush to me, maybe for holding calves in whilst de-horning? Oh, looking more closely that thing on the top looks like a vice so I guess it isn't a crush. Maybe it was just a workbench and some of it is missing, like a Workmate!

  2. I think your smallholders workmate is on the money Rachel. It's an homemade dehorning/ear tagging crate for calves, may be even sheep and the vice for doing repair jobs on the farm. I think it's rather ingenious and I was very impressed with the farm creator's nous. Thanks!

    1. Ah so I was right about the de-horning, I just failed to make some connections! We used to have a small crush for holding the calves like this but I don't remember any contraptions on it like this!

    2. I also thought of a crush but for castration.

    3. Yes you could use it for that Sol. It's got many uses for handling farm animals. Thanks!

  3. It's part of a torture chamber.

    1. It's one way of describing it Gwil. Debudding horns, ear tagging, dosing, testing for TB... They are all jobs that need to be done on a farm. Thanks!


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...