Friday, 29 September 2017

Turning Compost. "Put It On Your CV."

The veg plots and flower garden are not very happy bunnies at the moment.  We have had far too much rain this week and farmers are starting to house their livestock, already.  

I have been turning my compost heap this morning with my trusty four prong pike.  It didn't take long and there are some lovely juicy worms living in the friable compost underneath the decaying vegetation.  

I came inside and my eldest son asked me what I had been doing on the veg plot.  I said:

"Turning my home made compost with my long handled pike.  

He shook his head and said:

"Put compost turning on your CV."  

Then he asked me why didn't I turn it with the mini digger?

I don't think he will be a slave of the soil, I mean gardener, will he?


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Rachel. Yes he's got a dry sense of humour. His gardening usuallly involves a machine or else he's not interested. I like to use hand tools and sometimes listen to the my petrol hedge cutter and strimmer. Thanks!

  2. It's an important job, though, Dave.

    1. A very important job Philip. I have just subscribed to Charles Dowding You Tube Channel. There is an excellent video to watch called: Making Compost From Garden And Other Wastes. Is covered compost area is very impressive. Do you cover your compost heap? Thanks!

  3. havent turned the heaps for years , im sure we have super worms in there it drops by half in days , or it could be the grandson weeing into it , his favourite down the garden chore ....strange child

    1. Hi Kate. If you have healthy worms in your compost you will have super fruit and vegetables. Its great to encourage children to grow their own. Wish I could get mine interested in growing things.

  4. He sounds like the type that'll invest in a noisy leaf blower instead of a brush.

    1. Hi Gwil. He would probably take the leaf blower to pieces and then tell you how he would improve its efficiency. He is machine mad. Thanks!


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