Friday, 17 November 2017

An Old Farm Ratter Comes In For A Warm.

That's a picture of our Fido the Jack Russell terrier.  She's fifteen years old and still plodding on.  Here she is being a star in front of our Stanley Mourne number 7 solid fuel range.  

Talking of stars or even starless.  Two versions of King Crimsons Starless for you.  I saw The Unthanks a couple of years a go at Killarney Folk Festival.  If you ever get the chance to see them sing and clog dance, don't miss it.    They are brilliant!

The other version is of The David Cross Band.  I saw them play this in Germany in Loreley at The Night Of The Prog Festival.  David Cross was in King Crimson and David Jackson was in Vandergraf Generator.  A band which was formed at Manchester University.  The David Cross Band were brilliant.  I love this version of Starless.


  1. I love the Unthanks Dave. I have seen them live once and on TV a couple of times. Interesting two versions of the song here.

    The little dog looks happy warming up.

    1. Thanks Rachel. The Unthanks are great live. Did you ever see King Crimsom Rachel?

    2. Yes I have seen King Crimson. I used to like them a lot.

    3. Lucky you Rachel. You can't beat some Prog Rock. Thanks!

  2. We could do with your ratter Dave, since our cat died we are seeing signs of the unwanted

    1. Thanks FID. Our cat Domino is always on the prowl at night around the smallholding. Rodents take over if you don't have a cat or a dog. Thanks!

  3. She is a star! Treasure her!

    1. Thanks Kim. We do treasure Fido. She is part of the family and we have another young terrier to take over from her one day. Fido is a pal and a character. Thanks for your comment.

  4. That's a grand dog you've got there. A good tenter I bet.

  5. Hi Gwil. Do you mean that she is a good watch dog? She doesn't like rats but she isn't aggressive to humans. Thanks!

  6. Thank for your very good article! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!



Imbolc And Osteospermums.

 Not the name of a Irish prog rock band but the Irish word for an ancient Celtic festival. "Hey do you remember when we went to that Ce...