Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Meet One Of The Smallholding Staff: Domino.

"Any chance of  a saucer of milk please?"
This is Domino our new mouser and insect catcher.  Regular readers will know that we got Domino from the post lady because 'Alan the cat' our other rodent control assistant, decided to go walk about.  There are always official smallholding residents and non-official smallholding residents on a farm.  I don't like using poisons, so we employ a Jack Russell terrier and Domino to tell help us encourage the lads with the long tails to go elsewhere.  Domino also seems to be a dab hand at paw swatting insects.

Here's a list of cat songs that I have found for your enjoyment.

1.  Cat Scratch Fever - Ted Nugent.  I actually once saw the great guitar hero at Manchester Apollo.
2.  Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat.
3.  Cool For Cats - The Squeeze.
4.  Stray Cat Strut - The Stray Cats.
5.  What's New Pussy Cat - Tom Jones.
6.   Look What The Cat Dragged In - Poison.
7.  Love Cats - The Cure.
8.  Mean Eyed Cat - Johnny Cash.

Seeing that I seem to be having a sixties early seventies music theme on here this week.  I will leave you with a video from that great English group:  The Kinks.  Here's Phenomenal Cat.  I only discovered this track this week.



  1. Apparently,I can't play that video in Ireland. Hope it plays for you. Sorry folks!

  2. Domino's looking well, a handsome little chap, nice to hear he's earning his milk.

    Video doesn't play here either.

    Rain, rain and more bloody rain, windy as well, and cold.
    Raggy cat asleep on armchair, sensible animal.

  3. Hi Cumbrian,

    Domino does seem to be earning his milk killing the daddy long legs. Don't think he's caught a mouse yet, though I have seen no evidence of their activity, so perhaps he is doing his job?

    I can't preview the video when I post the blog. Will make sure I play them first in future. However, if you go to You Tube you will find a playable version of: Phenomenal Cat. I really like the Kinks, especially Waterloo Sunset. What kind of music do you like Cumbrian?

    Have a look at my friend Pat's blog: Pat Papertown 2. He's got a meal for us all to try.


  4. Would you consider taking on a sausage dog round the farm, Dave?

  5. Sure Domino's only practicing on daddy long legs, the mice will soon know who's boss.

    Not very musical, believe it or not, my favourite is Irish.
    And of course my Lakeland Songs CD, it lives in the car.
    Neal Diamond, Don Williams I like as well, and some Scottish.

    Had a look at Pats idea of lunch, a very imaginative creation. As a committed carnivore I doubt it would appeal to my taste, but everybody to their own.

    Stopped raining, it needed to, don't want a repetition of the catastrophic floods 3 years ago, they've just opened the new bridge this week.
    Raggy cat asleep on armchair.

  6. Hi Cumbrian, What's your Lakeland Songs CD? Which Irish singers do you like? I bet we have a lot in common with those?

    I am going to have a go at making Pat's creation and see what it's like.

    Off to Kerry for shopping for missus birthday today. Taking camera for future blogs, hopefully.

    Will report tonight.


  7. Hi Dave, sausage dogs (in Polish, 'jamniky' = 'dogs of the hole') are brilliant at 'rabbiting', but I'm not sure about 'ratting', but don't see why not.

    Hi Cumbrian, thanks for looking at my meal, I sometimes throw a piece of beef on to liven things up. Know what you mean about meat, I'm only almost a herbivore through necessity, and really love the 2-3 times a week I can eat meat, especially a well done lamb (mutton in Poland) kebab or steak cooked in ginger at a Vietnamese restaurant.


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