Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Anybody Got Any Smallholding Paintings or Pictures?

I have been following a blog: Don't unplug your hub, for the last six months or so.  John writes with his heart on his sleeve and he's got that great British gift of self deprecation.  He's also a writer, musician, photographer and artist.  Any road.  Pop over to his blog and have look at his photograph pf his beloved grey Fergie tractor.  She is a beauty.  I think I would call her something like Marilyn or Diana after a post war film star.  I wish she was mine.

We (me and my number one son) own 2 Ford tractors (Ford 3000 and Ford 4000) and we are looking for a renovation project for next Autumn.  We want all the 2 wheel Fords then it's the Massey Ferguson's.  Don't ask me how we will pay for them, but I think my cattle will probably be sold to pay for the next project.  Do you have the tractor illness?

Any road.  Many moons ago, way back in 1995.  Me and the one who must be obeyed, got married and went for our honey moon in Newquay in February.  It was one of those 4 day coach parties that picked people up throughout the West Yorkshire the Northwest and the Potteries to fill up a coach in the middle of Winter.  It only cost us 84 quid each and you stayed in an hotel that served breakfast and a evening meal, provided nightly entertainment ("Saturday night" was the hit at the time)  and we went on day trips.  The weather was fantastic and we walked around in T shirts.  It all sounds unbelievable now, but it's true.

The reason I tell you this.  We found an art gallery in Newquay that sold paintings (no!) and we bought two or three with our wedding money.  Here's a painting by a Cornish artist: David Robert.  He paints vintage cars from yesteryear in rural settings.  Anybody heard of him or got one of his paintings?  We paid fifty quid for it back in 1995, when the world was still black and white or not.  What's it worth now? Have you got any rural paintings?

David Robert: Cornish artist.  Digi camera still being daft, displaying wrong dates.


  1. Hi Dave, just popped in from John's blog. I like your painting very much though I can't say I've heard of David Robert. I knew a few David Roberts when I worked for a living. Still it's a Welsh name so there must be hundreds of them. From memory there were a lot of artists in Cornwall, St Ives in particular. Didn't they call it the artist's paradise?

  2. Hi Valerie, thanks for popping over from John's very entertaining blog. I think the artists did call it the artists paradise. Think they flocked to St Ives because of the natural light. West Cork is also very beautiful. Wish I could paint. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Dave
    Couldn't locate the link to johns blog
    What Is it?

  4. Hi John, It's: Don't unplug your hub.blogspot.com Thanks.


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