Thursday, 14 March 2013

Keeping Busy Around The Smallholding (waiting for the phone to ring)

I have been busy all week shovelling stone, clay and soil, filling in a drain.  We also got the digger man to dig over the second plot where the polytunnel got wrecked one winter.  I said to the digger man:

"I don't know how it got so wild.  It must be the dreadful weather last summer and all the cow shit I put on it."

He said:

"I'd stop putting cow shit on it if I was you."

Why didn't I think of that?

That's me using the mattock to break up the pile of soil.  The green thing is an old plastic heating oil tank which number one son made into an animal shelter.  The calves used it last year.  I bet it would make a great ark for some pigs.  

 That's me again with the mattock.  My jack russell terrier: Fido is supervising and thinks only about rabbits and rats.  At least she stays around and pretends to help me.  Any one get fed up with rural isolation?  Day after day without seeing any body, except a pheasant, cow, rabbit or Fido.  I love the peace and quiet, but I get brassed off working all day on my Jack Jones.  You didn't know I could speak Cockney, did you?
Yours truly again.  Notice the pile of old fence posts aka: bouquet of barbed wire.  Wasn't that a drama series on the telly?  Do you spend hours removing the staples with a claw hammer and screwdriver and recycle the posts and barbed wire.?  Notice our digital camera is still displaying the wrong dates?  I can't say nothing.  When I bought it.   I only went and asked them in Argos:

"What film does it take?"

Any road I have worked like a Minotaur with a mattock and shovel and the drain is covered.  It was too wet for the digger to filling in the drain, so I did it myself.  That's my excuse any way.  More like I am too careful to get the digger back.  Any body want a bad back.?

And Finally:

One thing I have noticed since my parents passed away.  The phone very rarely rings any more.  This afternoon was different though.  It rang a few times and I picked up the receiver and the Mrs pipe up or down the phone, if you follow me:

"Will you bring that washing in?  It's starting to rain."

Later folks.


  1. I never seem to be left alone long enough to get fed up of my own company!

  2. We have so few calls on the landline now we are contemplating changing it to just naked data! Most of the calls we do get are telesales... yuck. Hope you are having a good week.

  3. Hi Kev. I love the peace and quiet living in a beautiful location in the countryside next to the sea. But I do miss infrastructure like a pub, shop and public transport. Don't see many people either. Car drivers wave but they never have time to stop and talk. I look forward to reading your blog posts. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Hi Carole, Our landline is virtually redundant too. I seem to communicate more with people on their blogs than I do with my neighbours.



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