Thursday, 12 June 2014

A Dinner From The Smallholding.

Is it hot or is it me?  The last couple of days have been fantastic weather.  Its so good that our rows of Pentland Javelin potatoes decided to come into flower.  We bought the seed potatoes from Aldi because they were cheap.   They normally take about an hundred days to grow.  Any road.  We (me) decided to investigate to see if they were ready to harvest?

 We were delighted to fill the metal bowl (from a Kenwood Chef mixer bought for a a pound on a car boot sale fourteen years a go) with potatoes and we picked some carrots and strawberries from the poly tunnel and a young cabbage from the veg plot.  Number one son pulled some beef out of the freezer last night (one of our heifers) and we now have a hearty meal grown on the smallholding.

Just wish I could brew my own ale.  I have attempted it many times with kits but I  (we) have never liked the end result.  So we are going to sit down at the table in 'front room' tonight and eat our meal and have a few glasses of Sangria.  It's dead easy to make.  Just look it up on the Internet.


  1. That sounds like a good meal! what about buying an old berco boiler and making beer from scratch, I've always fancied doing that, just growing a little patch of barley and some hops to try it with!

  2. It was a good meal, Kev. You can't beat growing your own, can you? Your hops would look good growing over the corrugated sheds. I would love to make my own beer from scratch. Or if I could find a good micro brewery where I could buy some good stuff to drink. Thanks!

  3. There is absolutely nothing quite like eating a complete meal from what you have grown. I fancy having a go at brewing as well, but would probably start off with a kit, just to get used to make the beer in the first place,

  4. Hi Vera. Yes growing your own is much better than buying vegetables from the supermarkets. I have attempted to make ale with kits but I have never enjoyed the end results.



Filling Up The Repurposed Raised Bed And Weeding.

 A busy day on the smallholding veg plot: I filled up the repurposed oil tank this morning with fym and home-made compost and topsoil. Then ...