Sunday, 21 September 2014

The Perfect Smallholding?

The weather is glorious today.  We had heavy rain Friday afternoon and now it's back to glorious sunshine, very heavy dewy mornings and clear skies at night.  I don't think it will be long before the first frost, do you?

I was reading about the poet W.B Yeats the other day.   Apparently he wrote his poem "The Lake Isle Of Innisfree when he was sat on a bus near Trafalgar Square feeling very homesick and missing rural Ireland.  I often feel the opposite and miss public transport and the bright lights of the city.  I find though if I go away for two or three days I want to be back to see our little farm in the countryside, next to the sea

I think this poem is rather wonderful:

What do you prefer, town or country side?


  1. Yes, a bit of a nip this morning, lots of dew.

    Felt for rain yesterday but it didn't happen, bright and sunny today.

  2. Hi Cumbrian, We got an heavy down fall of rain Friday afternoon, but it just ran off into Bantry Bay.

    Not many Yeats followers on the old blog today. Here's one for you from my favourite Lake District poet, William Wordsworth:

    "I travelled among unknown men, In lands beyond the sea; nor England! did I know til then, what love I bore to thee."

    I Travelled Among Unknown Men: 1799

  3. Yes, a very poignant line.

    I know the feeling, it's nice to get away and see new places and things, but always nice to come home as well.

  4. Countryside! Done town, glad not to be doing it now.

  5. Hi Cumbrian. It's good to get away and see different places and different cultures. Like they say: "Travel broadens the mind." Thanks!

  6. Hi Vera. I too prefer the countryside but I do miss the town and meeting people. I suppose it all depends on what situation you are and where you are located. Here in rural Ireland we have very little public transport, much unemployment and emigration. It can be very remote and difficult to make a living in the countryside, yet it is so peaceful and its great place to be when the weather is fine. Thanks!


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...