Thursday, 2 April 2015

No Beer Tomorrow.

Been stocking up on some Newcastle Brown ale cans today.  You can't get an alcoholic drink in Ireland on a Good Friday.  There are a lot of English cars in West Cork this week.  I saw 5 MG type sports cars go round our peninsula this morning.  Think they had English registrations too.

The pound is very powerful against the Euro at the moment.  So if you want a very cheap holiday home come to Ireland.  Have a look on and convert the price back to Sterling.  You will be amazed, nay gobsmacked.  I think there are 100000 Brits living in Ireland.  Why not join them?  Ireland is very undercrowded and they speak English too.  Jump on a ferry with your car.  But not tomorrow.  You can't get a pint.

We tried to inform any Brits we saw  in the supermarket that there would be no beer for sale tomorrow.  I have often seen the crestfallen expressions on a Good Friday when they walk in the supermarket, fill their trolley with shopping and walk to the drinky poohs section and see a big sign: CLOSED.

Good Friday is not a public holiday in Ireland.  A lot of people have to go to work.  I am doing nowt.  Well apart from seeing that the heifers are OK and then I am going to go to a garden that's open to the public.  Will post pictures of our garden visit over the weekend.  Happy Easter.  


  1. It used to be like that here Dave, no alcohol on sale on Good Friday. In our little town it used to be the baker only who baked all night and opened his bakery in the morning. Now it is almost just another day. I quite like going to the Good Friday service although I am not a regular churchgoer. I once found a little church and just went in when P was ill, breakdown and everything, a relapse, a few years ago and it helped me no end. I was a stranger taking refuge and very well received and taken care of. It was sort of my hour of need too as well as his and he was in hospital. It helped. Tomorrow I wont be able to because I have a delivery of fire wood which I will stack away and I will probably miss the service. But you never know, perhaps I will just sneak off and put the wood away later. Happy Easter to you too.

    1. Hi Rachel. Thanks for that. I hope P is well and I am glad the peace and quietness of the little church helped you. We seem to spend a lot of time with our kindling and firewood don't we? Have a great Easter Rachel!

  2. Adry day in Ireland? Even for bonafide travelers?

    1. I know Cumbrian. Didn't the Dubliners sing: A pub with no beer? I am sure there will be some under the counter sales going on. We stocked up yesterday. Thanks!

  3. Had a quick look at, what about this one ? The exchange rate makes it a steal ;-)

    1. Hi Kirsty. We have been there to the Lisselan gardens. It's stunningly beautiful. Henry Ford's (tractors again) grandfather had his farm there. Thanks!

  4. I raise aglass of Newki Brown to you
    Happy easter

    1. And a scotch egg would be the perfect picnic. Happy Easter John.

    2. Tesco sell scotch eggs Dave, or why not make your own, only takes ten minutes to prepare and ten minutes to cook. We started making them when we lived in Spain was surprised how easy and quick they were.

    3. Thanks Anne. We must have a go at making them!

  5. Wales used to dry on a Sunday, bloody religious fanatics....fortunately sense and order was eventually returned. Happy Easter my good man.

    1. Happy Easter John. Sorry it took me until now to reply. Been away. Thanks!

  6. Everything as normal here in France!

    1. Hi Vera. Good to hear things are OK in France. Look forward to reading your blog.


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